
Thursday, May 5, 2011

The difference between a chicken hawk and a bold president

This man was a former judge? 

Spin, baby, spin!

The right wing had been criticizing Obama endlessly for his Middle East policies. Then Obama nails Osama Bin Laden, picking the boldest course of action, and the right wing tries to give Bush credit.

All  of the counter terrorism experts says the Bush approved "enhanced interrogation techniques," most which are called torture under the Geneva conventions, had no impact on the take down of Bin Laden.

Bush. of course, invaded Iraq first because his neo-conservatives were concerned about the Iraq threat to Israel.

Obama also said in his 2008 campaign that he thought Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan and he planned to take him out.

In July 2008, CNN's Larry King interviewed then-presidential candidate John McCain. 

King asked the Republican senator, "If you were president and knew that bin Laden was in Pakistan, you know where, would you have U.S. forces go in after him?"

McCain said he would not because Pakistan was a sovereign nation.


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