
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dangerous Intersection: Welcome back to the US; Give me your laptop and your passwords

Erich Vieth | January 15, 2011

Glenn Greenwald has written about the federal government’s common practice of seizing laptops and smart phones of American citizens who are re-entering the United States. 

A FOIA request from the ACLU since October 1, 2008, more than 6,600 people — roughly half of whom are American citizens — were subjected to electronic device searches at the border by DHS, all without a search warrant.

Erich Veith is an  attorney and knows the law, but since the traveller is entering the US and is not technically in the US, DHS may be able to get away with this.

Of course, UBS bank officials were entering the US with laptops that had encrypted data on them to hide incriminating data in an international tax scam.

We hope the government is looking at the data of bankers and the affluent, not just political activists.


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