
Saturday, January 15, 2011

CBS News: GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert wants lawmakers to carry guns

Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert is working on legislation that would permit representatives to carry concealed weapons in the capitol. Gohlmert said:

We're targets. I'm not so much concerned about myself as I with those who would be around me, whether it's people I work with, whether it's family, but it is also a constitutional right.

Gohmert continued:

Washington, D .C ., is a federal enclave, it will not usurp any states rights, and we have the right to legislate within the District of Columbia. So it's just using our constitutional right.

Gohmert noted that there was a era when lawmakers solved problems with armed duels and said:

We’ve come a long way since those days and we just don’t need to be reverting backwards.

From Rightardia's perspective, we think gun fights would break out in Congress if members were allowed to carry weapons. Gohlmert is clearly a Tea Baggin' wingnut.

graphic courtesy of Hysterical Raisins

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