
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Haaretz: Will Netanyahu Save Israel's foreign service

By Barak Ravid
Save Israel's Foreign Service

In an unprecedented step, some twenty senior Israeli ambassadors sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. the ambassadors asking the Prime Minister  to intervene in the Foreign Ministry workers' strike "in order to save Israel's foreign service."

The ambassadors reminded Netanyahu that he is familiar with the work of the Foreign Ministry and the hardships of Israeli diplomats and their families abroad from the period that he served as an Israeli diplomat in Washington and as the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations . . . The ambassadors wrote to Netanyahu:

Just as the state needs its best men in senior positions in the defense system, it needs them in the diplomatic battlefield as well, which is becoming more important and relevant to national strength every day.

The ambassadors wrote that the Finance Ministry is ignoring their dire financial situation, and called their salaries "humiliating" . . .

As opposed to the defense system in which thousands of people are employed, the political struggle is carried out by several hundred diplomats in the Foreign Ministry headquarters and in a hundred embassies in the world. Unfortunately, the state who knows how to adequately reward those thousands in the defense system, is not acting fairly toward us – the soldiers in suits in Israel and in the world – and systematically erodes our salaries and our status."

The ambassadors who signed the letter are all veteran diplomats who have been in service for over 25 years and are considered the Foreign Ministry's '"elders".

Among them are former Foreign Ministry director-general and Israeli ambassador to Britain Ron Prosor, Israeli ambassador to the UN Meron Reuven, Israeli ambassador to the EU Ran Curiel, and Israeli ambassador to Spain Rafael Shutz.

The US foreign Service also has problems. it is far too small. Even Defense Secretary Robert Gates pointed that a US Navy task force has more people in it than the entire US Foreign Service. This probably relates to US policy that prefers solutions from the Armed Forces rather than diplomacy.

A typical right wing military mantra is:

Kill them all and let God sort them out.


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