
Friday, December 24, 2010

Usenet editorial: You know you're a teabagger if . . .

You are at a rally having your little hissy fit over all the rights Barack Obama has taken from you, but cannot name a single right that has actually been taken from you by Barack Obama.

You think Congressman Joe Wilson is a hero because he yelled "You lie!" when Barack Obama said there were no provisions in proposed healthcare legislation that provided free healthcare to illegal immigrants.  even though 

Congressman Wilson himself voted for the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, which provided taxpayer-funded reimbursements to hospitals that treated illegal immigrants who didn't have insurance.

Your only sources of information are Tea Party websites and Fox News.

You swoon with admiration as Sarah Palin proclaims President Obama "Barack the Wealth Spreader", while you remain blissfullly ignorant to the fact she brags about the number of annual checks she doled out as governor of Alaska to nearly every resident.  

This represented the Alaskan citizens share of the revenues from the state's oil riches. She boosted those checks by raising taxes on oil.

You claim Barack Obama's czars are unconstitutional and are turning the country towards socialism,  yet you had no problem with the 30+ czars President Bush employed during his administration.

You ridicule supporters of Barack Obama as "brainwashed" and "kool-Aid drinking Obama worshippers," yet you turn all glassy-eyed and weak-kneed and break down in tears of rapture at the mere mention of Sarah Palin's name.

You stomp your feet and shake your fist at all the taxes Barack Obama has imposed on you, but cannot name a single tax that Barack Obama has actually imposed on you.

You are unaware of the fact that VA Healthcare, Medicare and Medicaid are socialized healthcare programs while you are demanding an end to socialized healthcare programs.

You whine about the awful people calling you bad names while wearing a "Chairman ObaMAO" t-shirt and holding a sign that reads "Barack Obama is a fascist" on one side, on the other is a picture of Barack Obama with a Hitler moustache or Joker paint on his face.

You applaud the speaker at your rally after he declares only true Americans can claim a right to be in this country and that all non-true Americans should be sent back where they came from "with a bullet in their head".

You idolize Marsha Blackburn as the new savior of the constitution yet ignore the fact her voting record clearly shows she has consistantly voted in favor of federal legislation (i.e. Patriot Act) that guts the constitution.

You cannot understand why or how your hypocritical, ignorant and uninformed criticisms of Barack Obama expose you as a racist.


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