
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mediaite: Keith Olbermann Compares Obama Compromise To Nazi Appeasement

by Tommy Christopher | 8:57 am, December 

Angrily responding to President Obama’s compromise on the Bush Tax Cuts, Olbermann quoted Winston Churchill extensively, and ran down a laundry list of missed opportunities and broken promises.

Olbermann and even lent support to a primary challenge to the President.

Olbermann said:

Hours after President Obama defended his compromising ways against criticism from the left, Olbermann responded by highlighting the missed opportunities, most squandered as the President held obstruction-proof majorities in both Houses of Congress: (transcript via MSNBC)

Yesterday I had an exchange with a very Senior member of this Administration who wanted to sell me on this deal. I pointed out that that was fine, except that — as I phrased it to him — “frankly the base has just vanished.” “Well,” he replied, “then they must not have read the details.” There, in a nutshell, is this Administration. They didn’t make a bad deal — we just don’t understand it.

Just as it was our fault, Mr President, for not understanding your refusal of even the most perfunctory of investigations of rendition or domestic spying or the other crimes of the Bush Administration, or why you have now established for those future Administrations who want to repeat those crimes, that the punishment for them will be nothing.

Just as it was our fault, Mr. President, for not understanding Afghanistan. Just as we didn’t correctly perceive, Sir, the necessity for the continuation of Gitmo. Or how we failed to intuit, President Obama, your preemptive abandonment of Single Payer and the Public Option.
Or how we couldn’t have foreseen your foot-dragging on “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Just as we shouldn’t have gotten you angry at your news conference today and made all the moderate Democrats wonder why in the hell you get publicly angry so often at the liberals who campaigned for you and whether you might save just a touch of that sarcasm and that self-martyrdom for the Republicans.


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