
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Technorati really sucks!

Rightardia looks at it stats daily. We get daily ratings form Alexa and weekly ratings from Netcraft. We also use for a detailed look at Rightardia's performance.

Tecnorati provides a rank and an authority. We have no problem with the Technorati rank, but the authority rating seems to be vague and subjective.

According to the Technorati FAQ,  Authority measures a site's standing and influence in the blogosphere.

Authority is calculated based on a site’s linking behavior, categorization and other associated data over a short, finite period of time.

The new Authority calculation differs from the past version, which measured linking behavior over a longer 6 month time frame. Authority is on a scale of 0-1000. 1000 is the highest possible authority.

Rightardia feeds are provided to nearly 100 other web sites, but our authority is low. We also use the Huffington Post and Wikipedia  as resources and the Huffington Post has an authority that is very high.

We delisted Tecnorati for Open ID in our blogspot settings. This had the intended effect of getting Rightrdia delisted from Technorati. Likewise, we have never seen Technorati tracker on our blog which Ghostery detects.

In any event, we are happy that we are no longer rated by Technorati. We do no trust their stats. 

If you type in "Technorati sucks," you will get more than 1500 hits.

Subscribe to the Rightardia feed: 

Netcraft rank: 7373

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