
Monday, November 23, 2009

Rightardia editorial: Do you really want more of this?

by Middle Class Warrior

First and foremost, the right wants the presidency. If it can't have that, it wants the Congress. The attacks on President Obama and Nancy Pelosi have not been particularly effective. At this time it does not appear the GOP is likely to to take the House in 2010 according to Intrade:

If the GOP were to return to power in 2012 it would ignore labor and environmental laws by putting cronies in the Department of the Labor and the Department of Interior. Labor law would be ignored or weakened. Environmental laws would be ignored so Big Oil so Big Whatever could exploit more natural resources. The GOP would also politicize the Department of Justice as it did during the last Bush term.

The GOP also likes to start a war because it can divert the national treasure from the domestic economy to defense and most defense corporations are operated by card carrying conservatives. This would also require less transparency in government and more secrecy.

You would expect to see another Middle Eastern War start and the relationship with Russia cool. It is indeed peculiar that the Republicans prefer to deal with the People's Republic of China which has a communist government, but not the Russians who have abandoned communism.

It is probable the next Republican government will start sabre rattling with Iran and perhaps Venezuela. Sooner or later the next Republican president will want the US to go to war with a country in the Middle East or in Central and South America.

Republicans will try to reinstate their Trojan Horse, Supply Side economics, that rewards the rich and damages the Middle Class. You will hear vague promises about tax cuts but when the dust clears those tax cuts will be for the 'have mores.' As George W. Bush stated right after his election in 2001: “This is an impressive crowd: the Have's and Have-more's. Some people call you the elites. I call you my base.”

While Democrats wish to function in a more democratic way in which all of the citizenry benefits from the fruits of society, Republicans prefer an oligarchy modeled after a corporation that focuses on the needs of the 'have mores.' 

Accordingly corporate profits will rise but employment will remain stagnant as the right wing cracks the whip on the labor force to increase productivity. This in one of the reasons the Bush administration created 25 per cent of the jobs created during the Clinton administration. Employment is not a big priority for Republicans. Productivity is more important.

The Veterans Administration will also decline after the Obama administration has reformed it and got caught up on 1 million backlogged claims leftover from the Bush administration.

The Republican Party will continue the deficit economics of Ronald Reagan and will never balance the budget. The deficit will increase because Republicans are not able to govern effectively.

Rightardia has seen these trends with GOP presidents since Richard Nixon was elected. We are hoping that the Republicans run someone like Sarah Palin in 2012 or another Southern Democrat like Mike Huckabee. We will be waiting for to assure that Obama is reelected in 2012 and the House and Senate remain Democratic in 2010.

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