
Monday, November 23, 2009

Zogby International survey dovetails with Department of Agriculture Survey on Hunger

November 20th, 2009

The New York Times recently reported on the results of a US Department of Agriculture study which found that 49 million Americans are now experiencing “food insecurity”.
The number, which represents the highest number since the study began tracking fourteen years ago, represents people who are considered either “struggling households with.. very low food security, meaning lack of money forced members to skip meals, cut portions or otherwise forgo food at some point in the year” or those who get enough to eat only by eating cheaper or less varied foods, relying on food stamps, or visiting food pantries and soup kitchens. The Times quotes analysts as saying the unemployment rate, possibly along with higher food prices, is largely responsible for the rise.

We’ve been paying attention to this issue, as well. In September, we asked our survey respondents whether they strongly agreed, somewhat agreed, somewhat disagreed, or strongly disagreed with the statement “I fear I will not be able to provide basic needs such as food or shelter for myself or my family in the future”.

Overall, 34% of our sample agreed with this statement, with 9% of our sample strongly agreeing and 25% somewhat agreeing. 25% somewhat disagreed and 38% strongly disagreed. Not surprisingly, those in the lowest income brackets were much more likely to strongly or somewhat agree that they feared they would be unable to provide basic needs for themselves or their family.
For those in households earning less than $25,000/year, 22% strongly agreed and 34% somewhat agreed that they feared their ability to provide basic needs. For those in households earning between $25,000 and $35,000/year, 15% strongly agreed and 28% somewhat agreed that they feared their ability to provide basic needs. Those with only a high school education were also more likely to fear their ability to provide, with 12% strongly agreeing and 27% somewhat agreeing.


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