This blog is dedicated to progressive and liberal thought. It also discusses new technology, how technology affects privacy and developments in Russia, China, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Rightardia fully supports the rights of workers to organize, the feminist movement, and all Americans regardless or ethnicity, sex or gender.It uses humor, satire and parody to expose conservative thought for what it truly is: BS! Rightardia contributes to the DNC, DCCC, DSCC and MoveOn.Org.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Mario Piperni: Why Obama can't lose
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Rich Kids for Romney
This is the ad that put Mittens over the top.
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Democratic Think Tanks need hard factual studies on tax cuts
The Democrats need to conduct some objective studies on tax cuts. Some of the questions that need to be asked:
- Are tax cuts for the top tax brackets stimulative? How does this stimulation mechanism work?
- Are tax incentives to businesses to hire workers more stimulative than tax cuts?
- Which government programs that use tax stims work and which don't work?
- Advantages and disadvantages of a progressive tax system.
The Democrats could build on the work of Mark Zandi form Moodys Analytics. We have published this table many times:
Permanent tax cuts do not appear to be stimulative at all. The Obama administration has used the payroll tax holidays for FICA payroll tax and provided refundable lump sum tax rebates.
However, the GOP approach with the Bush tax cuts and cutting corporate taxes is not effective according to Moodys. .
However, the GOP approach with the Bush tax cuts and cutting corporate taxes is not effective according to Moodys. .
The Democrats should use empirical data to attack the bad tax ideas of the GOP. Taxes are a numbers game.
Some of the work could be done by both the office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the General Accounting Office (GAO). A Joint Report on tax effectiveness from the GAO and OMB would be interesting and tough for either political party to refute.
The GOP uses a lot of fuzzy math when they talk about taxes.
Show America the numbers!
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Mark Zandi,
Moodys Analytics,
tax facts,
tax policy
WIN: Fortune 500 High-Tech Firms Face Anti-Trust Lawsuit
Some big names in technology are having to defend themselves in an anti-trust action. Jesse Russell reports.
Some of the top technology firms in the country are being faced with accusations that they violated federal antitrust laws. A lawsuit alleges Adobe, Apple, Google, Lucasfilm, Inuit, and Pixar had an agreement to not hire employees out from under one another. One piece of evidence shows former Apple CEO Steve Jobs emailing Google CEO Eric Schmidt and asking that he stop his human resources department from trying to hire his employees. Google’s response was to terminate the department employee who attempted to poach the Apple employee. The suit was filed last week and the plaintiffs are seeking to turn it into a class action lawsuit. The plaintiffs believe that the pacts to not hire employees kept workers from receiving competitive pay.
Some big names in technology are having to defend themselves in an anti-trust action. Jesse Russell reports on this developmentSome of the top technology firms in the country are being faced with accusations that they violated federal antitrust laws.
A lawsuit alleges Adobe, Apple, Google, Lucasfilm, Inuit, and Pixar had an agreement to not hire employees out from under one another. One piece of evidence shows former Apple CEO Steve Jobs emailing Google CEO Eric Schmidt and asking that he stop his human resources department from trying to hire his employees.
Google’s response was to terminate the department employee who attempted to poach the Apple employee.
The suit was filed last week and the plaintiffs are seeking to turn it into a class action lawsuit. The plaintiffs believe that the pacts to not hire employees kept workers from receiving competitive pay.
Bill Gates is a great philanthropist, but it wasn't always that way. Microsoft was notorious for making low ball offers to potential new employees. In addition, one of three Microsoft employees was a perma-temp with no benefits. The perma-temps eventually sued Microsoft to get benefits and won the lawsuit.
Technical people get continuing continuing education during their IT careers because they have to re-certify and get additional certification for new equipment annually.
The Major taught IT at the collegiate level and found that most colleges have stringent requirements for IT students in entrance exams because many students simply could not handle the course material.
That is why IT people get excellent wages, perhaps too excellent for many big IT corporations.
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Fox News doesn't get Food Stamp effectiveness
Fox News doesn't understand the effectiveness of Food Stamps. Rightardia has published the table that Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics produced that made it clear that food stamps were far more stimulative and had more bang for the buck than tax cuts.
Eric Bolling's view is common for conservatives who just "can't be fooled by the facts." Bolling is wrong about Food stamps and Vilsack is right on.
Recently the mayor of Las Vegas went on the Food Stamp or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) diet. You can lose a lot of weight if you only eat $4.06 worth of food every day.
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eric bolling,
food stamps,
Fox News,
Mark Zandi,
The Adventures of Romney Hood and his band of merry men
These folks are dyslexic so they take from the poor and give it to the rich.
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Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
rick Santorum,
romney hood,
ron paul
Newt unlikely to catch Mittens after Florida
Rightardia expects Mittens to trounce The Newtster tomorrow and maintain his monetum all the way to the convention in Tampa.
Mittens has a strong campaign organization and Newt does not. In addition, the Tea Party is on the ropes and endorsements form Sarah Palin and Michael Reagan haven't done much for The Newster.
Take a look at the upcoming primaries and cauceses. There are seven elections in February, which starts with the Nevada caucuses Saturday. Nevada is next to Mitt's home state of Utah and Intrade has already projected a Romney win there.
Next will be contests next week in Colorado, Minnesota and Maine and a non-binding primary in Missouri.
After a 17-day break, primaries in Arizona and Michigan will follow on Feb. 28.
Southern conservative credentials won't help Newt in any of these states. In fact, playing a strong conservative card may be a detrimental in these states.
Without some unforeseen events, Mittens should have strong delegate lead by March.
Mittens should also endeavor to keep Rick Santroum in the race to siphon off the evangelical vote from Newt. Newt stupidly made a public ultimatum that Santorum should resign the primary horse race.
Why? Because Newt wants the Christian conservative votes.
Newt would have been smarter to try to work something out with Santorum on his primary withdrawal off camera.
Can Mittens be stopped. Rightardia doubts it.
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gop nomination,
mitt romeny,
Newt Gingrich,
rick Santorum
Monday, January 30, 2012
The AIPAC Puppet show
Sheldon Adselson owns Newt, Rick Santorum is a ZION loving christo-fascist, and Mitt Romney thinks he is one of us. All are good Israel Firsters.
But what about that black guy in the middle? He needs to start singing and dancing with the other AIPAC happy dancers.
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Barack Hussein Obama,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
rick Santorum
Two unidentified objects found in the Baltic Sea
A team of shipwreck hunters that found a strange circular object on the floor of the Baltic Sea in 2011. CNN reports a second "disc-like shape" was located some 200 meters from the original find.
Peter Lindberg, who leads the group, previously that the first object they found 300 feet below the surface might be an unidentified flying object.
The objects may be old Soviet ground effect aircraft that are actually sea vehicles or a Soviet air cushion vehicle. A famous one is "the Caspian Sea Monster" which is not a good match for the to sunken objects in the Baltic.
Caspian Sea Monster
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The Christian Left: Bernie Saunders
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Frugal Dad: The Day the Internet Stood Still
Rightardia comment: Sometimes Democracy actually works. Online petitions stopped SOPA and PIPA. So did the web site black outs.
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Why did Jane Harman suddenly resign?
Jane Harman is a leading voice for Democrats on intelligence and homeland security issues. She is resgning to become CEO of the Woodrow Wilson Center,
CQ's sources, and other sources in a New York Times article, say that Harman was caught on the wiretap of an suspected Israeli agent who promised to lobby Bush administration officials to reduce the charges against two members of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) accused of spying.
The suspected agent promised to help Harman get appointed chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
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THe Buzz, TBT: FL legislature weakens Allen West's district
Allen West's days appear to be numbered
"The conservative blogosphere has been thundering for days about the Florida legislature weakening U.S. Rep. Allen West's south Florida Congressional district, noting that a prominent Florida Romney supporter is leading the redistricting effort.
Rush Limbaugh was aghast: "Do you know what the Florida legislature is doing? They're writing Allen West's district out of existence..."
Rush Limbaugh was aghast: "Do you know what the Florida legislature is doing? They're writing Allen West's district out of existence..."
CREDO will be happy about this development. West is on their top 10 hit list. See
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Only a fascist would say something like this
Source: Blue Gal from DriftGlass
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The Libertarian Dream: Ron Paul wins the Highland Games
image by Gigmonger
for Weight Throwing (The Freaking news photoshop pictures contest)
Rightardia thinks Ron Paul would make a great Secretary of State.
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for Weight Throwing (The Freaking news photoshop pictures contest)
Rightardia thinks Ron Paul would make a great Secretary of State.
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China Daily: US political parties hold same view of China
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A message from Mitt Romney to liberal losers
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CREDO going after the Tea Party 10
CREDO which is associated with Act Blue will use the new big-spending super PAC model. It can accept unlimited donations, to back extensive local organizing and grassroots "education" aimed at defeating 10 members of Congress it sees as the Tea party bottom feeders
The first six lawmakers targeted by the group are Reps. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Allen West (R-Fla), Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), Frank Guinta (R-N.H.), and Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.). Four more will be chosen by CREDO's members.
Although super PACs can take unlimited donations, CREDO is a grassroots organization with 11,000 donors,
Sean Duffy complained that his $174,000 Congressional salary was too low which is certain to hurt him in the next election:
Rightardia has written about Rep. Allen West numerous times. According to Wikipedia:
Hamoodi was beaten by four soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion on the head and body. West then fired his pistol near Hamoodi's head, after which Hamoodi provided West with names and information, which Hamoodi later described as "meaningless information induced by fear and pain."
West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing held as part of an Article 32 investigation in November 2003, West stated, "I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers."
The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding, supposedly due to command influence, rather than court-martial. West was fined $5,000. LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004.
West recently came under for fire for saying this at at a Lincoln Day dinner in West Palm beach:
We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, (audience boos) and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain't on the table. Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.
Rightardia's plecostomus is named Allen West
We are not surprised CREDO is going after for Allen West. West is a Tea Party plecostomus.
source: and the Huffington Post
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allen west,
Chip Cravaack,
Frank Guinta,
Sean Duffy,
Steve King
George Soros: There isn't all that much difference between Obama and Mittens
Uploaded by thedudeabides76 on Jan 27, 2012
Read more about it here:
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Barack Obama,
george soros,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
rick Santorum,
ron paul
All Hat No cattle: This explains the Moonbase
This is right before Newt attacks.
Rightardia was finally able to connect to All hat No Cattle No Cattle. We have had trouble connecting to Lisa's web site for at least three weeks.
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Rightardia was finally able to connect to All hat No Cattle No Cattle. We have had trouble connecting to Lisa's web site for at least three weeks.
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all hat no cattle,
callista gingrich,
Newt Gingrich
WMR: Obama administration has unprecedented assaults on press freedom
WMR has learned and has personally experienced the unprecedented assault by the Obama administration, aided and abetted by its intelligence and internal security infrastructure, on the First Amendment right of freedom of the press.
The Obama administration has indicted a total of six U.S. government employees with violating the arcane 1917 Espionage Act for allegedly communicating classified information to the press.
The Obama administration, according to multi-agency U.S. government sources , has authorized the eavesdropping of journalists' e-mails, text messages, and phone calls to determine to whom they are in contact within the government, particularly in the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, the CIA, the U.S. Congress' intelligence oversight committees, and the National Security Agency (NSA).
The NSA and FBI are also monitoring what websites are visited by government employees, including this one.
The six people charged under the Espionage Act with providing classified information to journalists (the "Obama Six") are:
- John Kiriakou, former CIA, allegedly passed information on waterboarding torture tactics and the identity of a CIA torturer to someone identified by the government as "Journalist A." The chief government prosecutor is U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald, who WMR has identified as a cover-up prosecutor for the CIA ever since the days he suppressed critical intelligence in the trial of the "Blind Sheik," Omar Abdel Rahman, convicted for plotting the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and later, when he failed to bring Espionage Act charges against Dick Cheney chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby in the Valerie Plame Wilson leak case. Fitzgerald also prosecuted former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to protect the CIA's one-time agent, Barack Obama, Jr., from scandal arising from Obama's political and social activities in Chicago.
- Jeffrey Sterling, former CIA, charged with providing The New York Times' James Risen with classified information on Iran's nuclear program.
- Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, charged with providing over a quarter million State Department classified and unclassified cables from the SIPRnet communication system to WikiLeaks.
- Thomas Drake, former NSA official, charged with providing classified information to journalists, including former Baltimore Sun reporter Siobhan Gorman. The charges against Drake were later reduced.
- Stephen Kim, former State Department contractor, charged with leaking classified information about North Korea to Fox News' James Rosen.
- Shamai Leibowitz, former FBI Hebrew translator, convicted of leaking classified FBI wiretaps to a blogger on Israeli intelligence activities in the United States directed at stirring up war fever against Iran. As yet, Leibowitz has been the only person convicted under the Espionage Act for leaking information to the media. The government fast-tracked the Leibowitz trial in order to supress coverage of Israel's massive intelligence operations in the United States.
RS Jaynes: The GOP Master Debaters
Yep, these Republicans are ready and willing to give America another hand job.
graphic source: Bartblog
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graphic source: Bartblog
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Rightardia breaks the 100,000 barrier in the US
These are our best Alexa ratings ever. We broke the 100,000 barrier in the US.
Our thanks to the the staff and the many viewers who read Rightardia,
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Our thanks to the the staff and the many viewers who read Rightardia,
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Rightardia: Angry about sloppy work about Inequality
We were reading an article in the WAPO about inequality in America by James Q. Wilson, Published: January 26.
The writer tried to define the inequality problem int the US as the rich v. the poor while clearly the Obama administration has defined it as a tax issue between the middle class and the affluent.
Had the Obama administration framed the economic problems in the US in terms of the rich v.the poor, Republicans would have engaged in a welfare state attack against welfare queens and lazy Americans who need to get jobs. The country heard a lot of this rhetoric when Newt Gingrich was speaker of the House in the 1990s.
It is trickier for the GOP to attack programs like unemployment compensation and food stamps when the middle class started losing their jobs and homes.
Had the Obama administration framed the economic problems in the US in terms of the rich v.the poor, Republicans would have engaged in a welfare state attack against welfare queens and lazy Americans who need to get jobs. The country heard a lot of this rhetoric when Newt Gingrich was speaker of the House in the 1990s.
It is trickier for the GOP to attack programs like unemployment compensation and food stamps when the middle class started losing their jobs and homes.
The article then talks about social mobility and points out the income of both the rich and poor fluctuate over a given time period. The author ignores studies that show Americans enjoy less economic mobility than their peers in Canada and much of Western Europe. See
The professor points out that incomes for people for college degrees have risen, but doesn't mention that overall middle class wages have been squeezed and have been declining since the 1980s: see
These examples suggest the author is selectively looking at data and only presenting data that supports his conservative view points. This is not the mark of a scholar.
These examples suggest the author is selectively looking at data and only presenting data that supports his conservative view points. This is not the mark of a scholar.
The author then talks superficially about the GINI index which is dangerously high in the US. A high GINI portends social and political instability, something the author also does not mention. The US GINI coefficient is historically high at 46.8. in 1929, It was estimated to be 45.0.
The author then says:
The author then says:
Sweden has maintained a low Gini index in part by having more progressive tax rates. If Americans wanted to follow the Swedish example, they could. But what is the morally fair way to determine tax rates — other than taxing everyone at the same rate? The case for progressive tax rates is far from settled . . .
The author is making an unsubstantiated conservative value judgement that everyone should be taxed at the same rate which is actually the way most American taxes work. Flat taxes likes sales and real estate taxes are regressive.
The one progressive tax we have in the US is income tax, the target of most conservative dialogue on taxes.
The one progressive tax we have in the US is income tax, the target of most conservative dialogue on taxes.
Because there are inequalities in income that are more explainable by birth right and luck, Theodore Roosevelt create the progressive tax system. Roosevelt stated:
A heavy progressive tax upon a very large fortune is in no way such a tax upon thrift or industry as a like would be on a small fortune.
When we had a robust progressive tax system prior to the 1980s, the US had a vibrant middle calls and a small deficit.
Was this system "fair to the rich?" Perhaps not, but the system worked. The national debt was under control. In the US we are no that fair to the poor. Do we need to be fairer to a much smaller elite?
Ronald Reagan flattened the tax system and drooped the marginal tax rate on the most affluent Americans was cut to 50 per cent and then to 28 per cent. After Bill Clinton, GW Bush lowered the tax rates for affluent Americans and also reduced short term capital gains to 15 per cent. He was also the only president to start a war with raising income tax.
Does James Q Wilson have conservative biases in his article? He defined the tax problem in the US incorrectly and made a glaring assumption that only flat taxes are fair. Fair to whom: the affluent? He glossed over the importance of the GINI coefficient.
This is is sloppy work for a professor.
James Q. Wilson, a former professor at Harvard University and UCLA, is the Ronald Reagan professor of public policy at Pepperdine University.
Pepperdine is considered to be one of the most conservative universities in the US. Still a professor should know better to publish an article with such blatant biases based upon a glaring assumption.
A scholarly article should not compare apples to oranges and makes an a priori value judgment about tax fairness.
Does Rightardia blame the rich about inequality. No we blame the GOP, and the Republican Party Trojan Horse tax policy: supply side economics.
Was this system "fair to the rich?" Perhaps not, but the system worked. The national debt was under control. In the US we are no that fair to the poor. Do we need to be fairer to a much smaller elite?
Ronald Reagan flattened the tax system and drooped the marginal tax rate on the most affluent Americans was cut to 50 per cent and then to 28 per cent. After Bill Clinton, GW Bush lowered the tax rates for affluent Americans and also reduced short term capital gains to 15 per cent. He was also the only president to start a war with raising income tax.
Does James Q Wilson have conservative biases in his article? He defined the tax problem in the US incorrectly and made a glaring assumption that only flat taxes are fair. Fair to whom: the affluent? He glossed over the importance of the GINI coefficient.
This is is sloppy work for a professor.
James Q. Wilson, a former professor at Harvard University and UCLA, is the Ronald Reagan professor of public policy at Pepperdine University.
Pepperdine is considered to be one of the most conservative universities in the US. Still a professor should know better to publish an article with such blatant biases based upon a glaring assumption.
Does Rightardia blame the rich about inequality. No we blame the GOP, and the Republican Party Trojan Horse tax policy: supply side economics.
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