
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rightardia has moved over to FaceBook

During the 2112 election, cycle, Rightardia noticed a lot of activity on its Facebook page. Most of our political posts are now found on FB.

Although we still do some political posting here, you are more likely to find orginal articles on the Veterans Administration or tech topics in the blog.

The Rightrdia FB page has around 600 friends and followers and we would have even more if we weren't so particular and who we friend.

The Rightardia FB page is not a debate page.  Rightrdia and Rightard Whitey got bored with debating right wing trolls and idiots on Usenet, so we don't allow any of that riffraff on our FB page.

As our FB banner states, "Never waste time with people who have no interest in you point of view. "

Conservative Trolls are there to proselytize you or to disrupt your blog. They are not interested in real debate.

If you have worked in Organizing for America (OFA), you probably know that the volunteers do not call Republicans.

Why? Because you are unlikely to make any headway with an an ideologue.

In addition, there are far more Democrats than Republicans and the Democratic base in increasing while the GOP bas is declining.

The bottom line is that the Democrats don't need Republicans to win elections. We just need to turn out the Democratic base. Sometimes that is easier said than done particularly when the Republican Party is doing everything it can to make it harder to vote.

Rightardia does have Republicans who post on our FB page. If you are a moderate or an independent, you are welcome on the the Rightardia page,

Check out the FB page at You can also find the home FB page by searching for Eric Elder aka Rightard Whitey.

Please send a FB friend request if you have been or are a follower of the Rightardia blog.

Subscribe to the Rightardia feed: 

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Rightardia by Rightard Whitey of Rightardia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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