With only a few days left to register to vote or update your voter registration, NOW is the time to check your registration status! With only 32 days left to vote, NOW is the time to register to vote by mail! With so much at stake in this election, NOW is the time to get involved with our campaign for common sense governement! Hundreds of your neighbors have already voted and hundreds of thousands of voters will vote over the next five weeks. Be sure you are part of this historic election!
You can take action, make a difference, and help us win this election by engaging in one, some, or all of the following activities:
- You can make a donation by clicking CONTRIBUTE or by clicking the wrench at the bottom of this message. Every donation, even $3, makes a big difference because every cent is carefully spent on spreading our message of common sense government.
- You can call voters for our campaign by using our "virtual phone bank." All you need is a phone, a computer, and an internet connection; and I know you have at least two of those! Click here to sign up! You will then receive an email within asking you to set up a password for VoteBuilder. Then simply sign in, click on "virtual phone bank", call the voter displayed, read through the script, and then mark the voter's responses. Using our "virtual phone bank" provides our campaign with critical information while spreading word of our campaign.
- You can join us by attending any of the following events:
- Sign waving on Monday, October 8th from 4:30 P.M. until 5:30 P.M. at the intersection of US Hwy 19 and Alt. 19 in Holiday. Parking available at Tire Kingdom.
Upcoming Debate Schedule
Congressman Bilirakis refuses to participate;
however, I'll be there and I'd like your support!
- HAWL forum: Wednesday, October 10th at 12:00 NOON at the University Club in the Tampa City Center on the 38th floor: 201 N. Franklin Street, Tampa (RSVP with HAWL needed)
- AAUW forum: October 13th at 10:00 A.M. at Rasmussen College: 8661 Citizens Drive, Suite #302, New Port Richey
- Chamber of Commerce forum: Monday, October 15th at 7:00 P.M. at East Pasco Adventist Academy: 38434 Centennial Road, Dade City
However you decide to help lead our campaign to victory I want to thank you and let you know that I really appreciate your support and vote!
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Rightardia by Rightard Whitey of Rightardia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at rightardia@gmail.com.
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