
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dog TV: Does it have a political agenda?

Published on Apr 19, 2012 by 
Just when you think you've seen just about everything, you change the channel and voila: DogTV is flashing in front of your eyes.

DogTV is a new cable channel for dogs, with programming that features muted colors, altered sound and specially composed music. The network is designed to bring relaxation and stimulation to dogs when their humans are away from home.

DogTV is currently only available on two channels in the San Diego area but it already has 1 million subscribers and is looking to go national. More than 46 million US households own at least one dog and 97 percent have a television, so drawing in large numbers of subscribers shouldn't be too difficult.

The word on the street is that dog TV was launched by a coalition of angry progressives who wish to unite dog owners against Mitt  Romney.

The channel has been heavily programmed with progressive political ads.

There is even a series, "Little Dog on the Prairie" about a dog named Seamus who is horribly mistreated by Mitten the Kitten. The dog runs away to Canada to start a new life on the prairie.

Mitten follows Seamus to Canada and a dramatic gun fight ensues. Who will win: the dog or the cat?

Will subscribe to DogTV when hits your area? 

Or are you waiting out for CatTV?

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