
Monday, January 2, 2012

Mario Piperni: Conservatives Without Conscience

Mario Piperni read John Dean's book which Rightardia has written about before. GW Bush and Karl Rove are the people who brought the Evangelical and fundamentalists into the 2000 presidential election

Barry Goldwater warned about this: 

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.
~ Barry Goldwater, November 1994, as quoted in John Dean, Conservatives Without Conscience(2006)
So here we are today with the Tea Party ideologues in the US congress who have paralyzed it.

If you haven't noticed. Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry have been pandering to the religious right in IA. Rick Santroum emerged the winner with the evo's and fundies with his family values homophobia.

Rick Perry even had his wife do a commercial that advocated more Christian values in the US.

Because Romeny is a Mormon, it makes him suspect in the evo and fundy world. Even Romney got on the ol' time religion bandwagon by saying he goes to church every week and prays every day.

But most evos and fundies are dogma monkeys who more concerned about bible quotations and bible genealogy than the universal ideas and lessons in the Bible.

If the right really understood the Bible, it would know there are many of early Christian ideas could strengthen the US, but that's not the rigid code of behavior the evo and fundy preachers advocate.

Rightardia considers their religious and political views of many evos and fundies to be christo-fascist.

The christo-fascist view of Christianity has an Austin Power's "you behave" ring to it with a Boy Scout oath called the 10 Commandments. The emphasis is on "in-the-box" stereotypical Christian behavior that requires Christians to kiss "the man's" ring.

When Mussolini came to power, the Catholic church advocated a grass roots version of fascism. Mussolini advocated a statist version. The last two Popes have been ultra-conservative because they feared Soviet communism that ended in 1991.

The US was founded as a secular nation. This is very clear in the Treaty of Tripoli which was signed on the eve of the new nation in 1796-1797.

Goldwater was right but the GOP needed a win bad in 2010 so it unleashed the Tea Party dogs. This has had the immediate effect of splitting the Republican party into conservatives and uncompromising ultra-conservatives.

Rightardia doubts if the GOP will be able to put Humpty-Dumpty together again.

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