
Saturday, December 17, 2011

WIN: Wisconsin Recall Walker Movement Collects More Than 507,000 Signatures In 30 Days


By Doug Cunningham
In a live webcast Thursday the Wisconsin Democratic Party said the people of Wisconsin have already collected nearly enough signatures to recall Governor Scott Walker. Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate.
[Mike Tate]: “In just 30 days, in less than half the time granted you have done something truly amazing. Your strength and determination has helped us collect more than 507,000 signatures to recall Scott Walker. And we are well on our way to beating our internal goal  of collecting more than 720,000.”
A total of 540, 208 are needed to recall Walker. United Wisconsin says its goal is to collect at least 720,277 signatures to make sure there are more than enough to trigger the recall election. Walker is targeted for recall for his attack on public worker collective bargaining, but a long list of other issues is also fueling the recall effort. Four Republican State Senators are also targeted for recall.
By Doug Cunningham
In a live webcast Thursday the Wisconsin Democratic Party said the people of Wisconsin have already collected nearly enough signatures to recall Governor Scott Walker. Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate. Mike Tate said:

In just 30 days, in less than half the time granted you have done something truly amazing. Your strength and determination has helped us collect more than 507,000 signatures to recall Scott Walker. And we are well on our way to beating our internal goal of collecting more than 720,000.

A total of 540, 208 are needed to recall Walker.

United Wisconsin says its goal is to collect at least 720,277 signatures to make sure there are more than enough to trigger the recall election.

Walker is targeted for recall for his attack on public worker collective bargaining, but a long list of other issues is also fueling the recall effort. Four Republican State Senators are also targeted for recall.

This is an update to an earlier story Rightradia had on the recall effort. We din't have the exact number of signatures collected in that story. 

We hope Walker gets recalled. This will be a warning to other GOP gubernatorial candidates who have reactionary secret agendas.

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