
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why the GOP will lose the presidency again in 2012

An oldie, but goody

The GOP is unfocused on the problems that are facing the middle class and expects that it can win espousing tax cuts, defense and deregulation.

It really has no plan for creating jobs short of standard supply side economic dogma: tax cuts and deregulation.

The GOP is also running out of scapegoats. It has scapegoated women, blacks, gays and now Hispanics. The problem for the GOP is that Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic in the US and many of them can vote.

The immigration stance of the GOP has backfired which explains the recent "humane " immigration talk of the GOP.

Of course, the GOP still talks of building a $30 to $50 billion fence between the US and Mexico.

The likely opponent Obama will face is Mitt Romney because Newt Gingrich is rapidly fading.

Although Romney is a moderate on many issues, he is an Evangelical Mormon. Mormons believe they are descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel. Therefore, Mitt is likely to have a pro-Israeli bias.

Mitt Romney recently said:

President Obama has thrown Israel under the bus. He has disrespected Israel and undermined its ability to negotiate peace.

Israel has had 60 years to negotiate with the Palestinians and has preferred not to. It has a policy of apartheid toward Palestinians and other Arabs in Israel and occupied territories.

More importantly, the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has shown little respect for President Obama. The Israeli government and press were very anti-Obama prior to the 2008 elections.

If Romney is elected, the US is likely to invade Iran or give the Israelis the green light to attack Iran.

Is Iran a threat to the Us?


The US has nearly 2,000 nuclear warheads. Iran is a threat to Israeli nuclear superiority in the middle east. Once one of Israel's neighbors has nuclear equivalency, Israel's power in the middle east will be reduced.

It's Arab neighbors will be more likely to attack Israel. However, Israel has been a nuclear power since 1967 and would have been able to negotiate a settlement with the Palestinians and other Arab nations from a superior position before a nuclear Iran.

Yet it has chosen not to negotiate peace. Now, fearing a nuclear neighbor, Israel prefers a military solution with Iran to a diplomatic solution with Palestine and its other neighbors. .

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