Uploaded by JimConditJr on Dec 23, 2011
http://www.facebook.com/groups/watchthevote2012/ http://www.watchthevote2012.com
Hear Ron Paul on this short video ask us to help Watch the Vote -- and then volunteer to help Watch the Iowa Caucus vote at our facebook page.
There we can help YOU help us watch the vote as Ron Paul asked us all to do -- Watch the Vote in the Iowa Caucus 2012 for Ron Paul and Everybody Else!
Folks, please focus on doing 1 (or 2) of these 3 actions: 1) Spread the word to watch this video and read the description below the video - anyway you can; 2) volunteer to be a "Watch the Vote" County Leader on our Facebook Page (see above in this description); OR - 3) volunteer to be a Vote Monitor in Iowa on Caucus night if you are an Iowan - or can drive into Iowa for the Caucus. - See Job description for both tasks at top of watchthevote2012.com - or in document section at top of our facebook page.
The Paul campaign plans to have streaming video from each county caucus site.
Rightardia has said the fix is in for Mittens. Now you know how the GOP get their establishment candidates the nomination: by rigging the caucuses.
If the establishment Republicans are doing this to other Republicans, just imagine what they do to Democratic candidates.
Republicans are already suggesting that anonymous hackers are trying to rig the caucus vote which is taken by pen and paper. Other GOP pundits are suggesting none of the primary candidates will have enough votes for the nomination which means a brokered convention.
That would mean the GOP "power brokers" AKA establishment Republicans would pick the GOP nominee: most likely Chris Christie or Jeb Bush.
That may be the game plan of the country club and establishment Republicans to keep Paul from getting the GOP nod.
source: http://www.dailypaul.com/196669/watch-the-vote-2012-iowa-caucus-from-your-computer-must
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