
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The 800 pound gorilla breaks its alliance with Israel

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s prime minister, warned Israel it must “pay a price for its aggression and crimes”, in a Cairo speech.  Erdogan said the death of eight Turks and a US-Turkish dual national were killed – is a “cause for war”.

Mr Erdogan’s comments were about Israel’s over-the-top raid on the Turkish-based ship, the Mavi Marmara, last year. The UN condemned the excessive violence in which 8 Turks and a US national with dual Turkish citizenship were killed. 

Rightardia blames the situation on Israel. Erdogan asked for a simple apology and didn't get it.  The idiot PrimeMinister of Isreal, Benjamin Netanyahu, said Israel would never apologize. 
Now Israel has another Islamic enemy and one with a formidable army, navy and air force. The US is very concerned about the break in relations, but in many respects an alliance between Turkey and Israel was peculiar. 

Turkey is a member of NATO which will complicate the relationship with the US. The US international alliances are based upon a fist party, second party and third party system. Most of the English speaking nations such as Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand are first party countries that we freely share intelligence with. 

Most of the other NATO countries are second party member nations. There are also third party nations but when the Major was in the armed services, neither Israel nor Turkey were second or third party nations.

The US will have to decide if there is ever a conflict between Turkey and Israel whether the alliance with Israel or Turkey is more important. Israel , of course, is not a member of NATO. 

Rightardia would expect a Democratic president to make the decision based upon realpolitik, but the Republicans would be more affected by religious considerations. 

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