BirghtHouse provided a UBEE DWW3611 cable gateway. However, the gateway we got had two wireless antennas and supports dual channel 802.11n. This provides channels in both the 2.4GHZ and 5GHZ ranges. The UBEE also has a USB connector in the back of it.
The Rightardia gateway has two wireless antennas
The setup of the UBEE is straight forward. I worked with the tech and we changed the IP address of the gateway so it would be on the same network as the D-Link router. The wireless was disabled by default.
If you want to turn the UBEE into a straight cable modem, I found this information on a tech site:
Disable UBEE Modem's router and firewall
When you make the router a DMZ host, it must be firewalled because the router can be easily accessed from the cloud if it is not protected.
We noticed the 2.4 channel has dropped a lot and articles we have read blame this problem on both D-Link and the DD-WRT firmware. We did find a forum article in which the originator of the DD-WRT fimware, Brainslayer, helped someone with this problem which only plagues the D-Link's 2.4GHZ channel. This was the solution for the 2.4GHZ channel configuration.
click to enlarge
We also recently got a D-Link DWA-160 USB client which can use the 5GHZ wireless channel. The good news is that the 5GHZ channel doesn't drop and operates near wire speed when using to check performance.
D-Link DWA-160 dual band 802.11n client
We get a 3 bar connection in Windows on the 5GHZ channel and a 5 bar on the 2.4. Our laptops are about 75 feet away from the D-Link. We bought the D-Link stick on Ebay for $19.
Provided you are close enough to the D-Link router to use the 5Ghz band, that is the band you want to use! it is faster and more reliable.
With the router and cable modem upgrades, we think we have the government and corporations are out of our network for now.
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