
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Poll is Bad news for Congressional Republicans

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Public Policy Polling (PPP's) newest national poll finds that after a little more than 3 months in charge House Republicans have fallen far out of favor with the American public. It's entirely possible Democrats could take control of the House back next year.

Forty three per cent of the voters think that House Republicans are doing a worse job now than the Democrats did. Only 36 per cent think the GOP has brought an improvement.

19 per cent think things are about the same.

62 per cent of voters think that the Republicans have either made things worse or brought no improvement.

Forty six per cent of voters say that if there was an election for Congress today they would vote Democratic, compared to only 41 per cent who would vote Republican.

That five point advantage for Democrats is only a hair below the margin Republicans won by in the national popular vote last year.
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