
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Huffington Post: The South is the least safe part of the US

The Huffington Post Harry Bradford First Posted: 04-13-11 01:22 PM | Updated: 04-13-11 02:22 PM

The Southland flops again

The newest edition of the U.S. Peace Index, developed by the Institute for Economics and Peace, ranks states by level of peacefulness.

The index is based on five primary indicators:
(1) number of homicides per 100,000 people
(2) number of violent crimes per 100,000 people
(3) number of people in jail per 100,000 people,
(4) number of police officers per 100,000 people
(5) general availability of small arms.

The U.S. Peace Index determines a number combining these figures summarizing the overall peacefulness of each state, with lower numbers being safer. Currently, the national average is 2.056.The Huffington Post  

Not all states have improved, though. New York's become 32.3 percent safer since 1991, but other states have actually become more dangerous, like North Dakota (47.7 percent more dangerous) and Tennessee (9.3 percent more dangerous).

Generally, Southern states tended to be the least safe. This region scored 3.13 on the index, compared with the Northeast, calculated to be the safest region with a score of 1.99.

Rightardia has pointed out that Southern states tend to receive more from the federal government than they pay in taxes, they have lower educational attainment, lower wages,more teen pregnancy, more poverty and now are less safe than the other states in the union.

What is the Republican solution for safety: buy a gun!

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