
Monday, March 14, 2011

The supply side basis of the national debt

The  national debt came down for 37 years, then the national debt went out-of-control the year the supply siders' took power. Are we trapped between national debt and recession. The patriots of World War II showed us the way.

Rightrdia agrees with the video. We have had a GOP president  for the past 20 of 30 years.  Since the 96th Congress in 1929, 10 of 18 or about 63 per cent of the Congresses have been Democratic. Of course, many House bills die in the Senate because of the filibuster.

Many economists believe that more than 90 per cent of the national debt was caused by failed US military adventures since WW2.  Guess who started most of those wars?

Are Democrats also culpable? Sure, we have Blue Dog Democrats who cooperate with the GOP. But the lion's share of the blame must go to the GOP. 

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