
Friday, March 25, 2011 Give Grifter Rick Scott a piece of your mind

The third horseman rides a black horse and symbolises Famine. The horseman carries a pair of balances or weighing scales, indicating the way that bread would be weighed during a famine.
The battle of Wisconsin has awakened a sleeping giant—millions of people standing together to save the American Dream from severe budget cuts and attacks on the rights of working people.
We need to keep that momentum going here in Florida, where a huge fight is brewing in Tallahassee over the state's budget.
Governor Rick Scott's proposed budget would cut funding for public schools, lay off thousands of state workers, and give corporations a $1.5 billion tax cut. But worst of all, Republicans in Tallahassee are pushing a permanent, across-the-board funding limit that would prevent the state from ever restoring these draconian cuts.
Wisconsin showed that the people are not going to let corporations and their allies on the right trample the American Dream without a fight. Now we have to send that same message in Florida.
Here's what the petition says: "Florida's budget has already been cut to the bone. We can't afford permanent, across-the-board funding limits on our schools, health care, and other vital services."
After you sign, be sure to share this petition on Facebook and email it to your friends and neighbours around the state.
This is about the budget, but it's also about something bigger. We need to make this the moment when regular people stand up and say "no" to the corporations and right-wing politicians who want to strangle the public investments needed to keep the American Dream alive.
Please take a moment to add your name to the petition, and we'll deliver it to Gov. Rick Scott and your state legislators by the end of this week.
Thanks for all you do.
Anna, Marika, Stephen, Adam Q., and the rest of the team form MoveOn.Org

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