
Monday, March 14, 2011

Al Jazeera editorial: Obama does not get it

Obama does not get it - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

by Last Modified: 09 Mar 2011 11:45 GMT

Egypt and Beyond!Image by freestylee via Flickr
Barack Obama, the US president, has still not fully grasped the essence of the revolutions underway in the Arab world.

He genuinely seems to believe that the people rallying for democracy in the region are making a pro-Western, if not pro-Israeli, statement.

Obama recently told a group of Democrats in Florida:

All the forces that we're seeing at work in Egypt are forces that naturally should be aligned with us, should be aligned with Israel - if we make good decisions now and we understand sort of the sweep of history.

I am not sure how Obama drew this conclusion . . .

Rightrdia agrees. The US has made progress in the  Arab world ut in t will take years to earn the trust of these nations until we maintain a more neutral foreign policy with Israel. 

It is unlikely that any Arab country could risk being an Israeli ally without becoming a pariah in the rest of the Arab world.

See the rest of the story at  Obama does not get it - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

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