This is an interesting email that is written at an abstract level and is very short on specifics. The writer implies that something is really wrong in Washington, but never identifies specifically what that is.
Apparently the Tea party is running out of funds. Rightardia suspects the billionaires that started the movement are backing away from the Tea Party because a civil war is brewing between the country club Republican insiders and the Tea Party Young Turks.
No offense is meant to the liberal organization, the Young Turks (tm). We have put some Rightardia comments in Italics to show how this is essentially a piece of propaganda.
The good news is emerging; cadres of invisible Patriots are empowering the Tea Party, working tirelessly behind the scenes to restore America. The names of the invisible Patriots carry no political weight, they do not seek glory, their acts will never be recorded in history books, but they are indispensable in the fight against the darkness which covers America today. These invisible Patriots are the Tea Party Guardians, guarding all we hold dear.
A lot of words, but low in content. Cadres of invisible patriots? Is this like the Nixon 'silent majority" that the GOP knew was really a small minority?
What is the Tea party really guarding?
Rightardia believes the TP's are trying to restore the glory days of the US which are now several decades behind us. Conservatives have always looked at America through the rear view mirror.
They have a point. The 1950s were the glory days but that was due to the efforts of FDR and the Democrats who were elected after the GOP led the country and the world into the Great Depression.
You see, the acts of the Tea Party Guardians are etched upon our memories and will be passed down to future generations in the form of folk stories and tales of greatness.
This is suggested in some high school history books, but The US was actually a debtor nation until after World War 1. We were a creditor nation for about 70 years before we got debtor status again.
Their humble beginnings were slated in courageous acts just a few short years ago, when the term 'Tea Party' was new and fresh. At a time most people thought a Tea Party was either a dusty page in our history books stemming from the acts in 1773 or a garden party of old ladies wearing funny hats, sipping tea.
We agree with Bill Maher that the Founders were the nations first liberal elite and they would have little in common with the Tea Party crowd. The Founders hung out in Paris, most were wealthy and they had little use for organized religion.
Surprisingly enough, one day, as if by Divine design, good-hearted Citizens across America could no longer stomach the vile disembowelment of our Constitution by those elected to protect it.
Wow! Please provide an example where the US Constitution has been disembowelled.
Bush ignored the Constitution with his Patriot Act and his bugging of the Internet. Bush also conducted wire taps without warrants. Conservatives looked the other way when this blatantly unconstitutional activities occurred during the Bush presidency.
Give Obama some credit. he is a constitutional attorney and understands the US constitution a lot better than the political hack who wrote this email.
Listen up, as if by one voice a few said; "I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Any-more." Out of frustration and anger, rag-tag groups of Moms, Dads, Grandparents and Singles, ordinary people dared to believe they could change the status quo. It was then the first idea of an empowered Citizenry was reborn.
Mad as hell about what? Be specific. Are you mad the GOP got walloped in the 2008 elections or mad that a black man was elected president?
Yes, reborn was the memory of how our beloved nation was once a grand country filled with great people, bearing ostentatious dreams. A glimmer of hope raced across our 'Nations-soul' screaming for the rekindling of faith in our flag, allegiance to our nation and obedience to our sacred Constitution. A spark of hope began to glow like a tiny ember fighting for brilliance on a sodden and barren land.
We were a better nation before Reagannomics and the GOP started its no taxes on the affluent agenda. We were a better nation when we made TVs, refrigerators, and washers and dryers in the US, but the corporations offshored the plants and the jobs. Don't blame that on the Democrats. Our own US corporations did us in, not the government.
Reagnomics actually fractured the middle class and forced spouses into the work force to make ends meet. Mom was no longer home to work with her children on home work and the long slide of US education began.
This is also the era when the US deficit and national debt began to rise because the government was raising insufficient revenues. During the Reagan era, the US spent billions invading Grenada, and intervening in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Chile.
Only 32 US economists in the US subscribe to Reaganomics or supply side economics. Why? Because it is Trojan Horse to provide unneeded tax cuts to the affluent.
Our corporations also caused the financial crises that created the Great Recession. Of course, deregulation efforts of the GOP and some Blue Dog Democrats helped to accelerate the crash.
Truthfully, could 'We The People' once again rise up and fulfill those lofty dreams which were penned in 1776? Shall we defy the Washington Pharisees and become the generation which will once again, shape our Beloved Nation, and the world as well? Should we dare to dream? 'We The People' have the power to change, shape and perfect our precious Freedom which was entrusted to us centuries ago by our heroic Founding Fathers.
The Founders gave us a constitution that defined our government. Much has changed since then and the American dream is hardly universal for all Americans.
So instead of wishful thinking, could we once again hold our heads high, bow to no one and declare; 'WE THE PEOPLE RULE'? The faith of the few began to grow, first in living-room meetings, then across telephone lines, cell phone conference calls until bursting out at the seams, we flowed into rented halls and then to our streets.
Silently, 'We The People' began to rise up against the entrenched Washington oligarchy, unified our voices, our efforts and our will into one cohesive movement, not just of people, but of souls filled with the dream of Freedom.
Astonishing, isn't it? Many wondered who would lead us, who would have the foresight, who could we trust with our most precious asset, our sovereignty
Finally, egos aside, as if by a Divine hand, calmness came across the rising multitude and 'We The People' discovered who will be our leader, and it was "US" 'We The People'! Each, and every one of us, are the leaders of America, individually and collectively. The great, the small, the rich and the poor, 'We The People' realized in one spectacular moment, we are the leaders of our Beloved Nation, upon our shoulders rests the weight of our government. By our hand we shall purpose who we are, and how we shall live.
Whoa. Where is this going? The US is an indirect democracy. The people don't rule, the people we elect to represent us rule. Of course, in a democracy we can throw our rulers out of office.
It's simple, the forgotten spirit of our 1776 Nation was reborn, not in hollow arrogance, but in humbleness, finding the 'accolades' few and far between.
I'll tell you, it is with this spirit the 'Tea Party' was forged. In defiance of the status quo, in spite of the 'Nay Sayers,' in the face of ridicule and hatred, the American spirit was rekindled, this time never to be extinguished.
The GOP want to maintain the status quo. It is the party of "No." The Tea Party is actually reactionary or counter-revolutionary.
Let's face it, we announced to Washington, and the world, we have 'awakened' by sending tons of tea bags to Washington with a clear and concise message: "Don't Tread On Me!" and the political Pharisees scoffed and said 'it will pass.'
We matched on Washington with one million Patriots strong, and the media turned the camera lens elsewhere and said, 'it will pass.' We came again by the hundreds of thousands to Restore Honor, and the oligarchy sighed and said; 'it will pass.'
We manned our posts and voted our conscience and dozens of seats were filled with fellow Patriots, dislodging a staggering number of the politically impotent, and under their breath the Washington mob said; 'I hope it will pass.'
And the Zen master said,"We will see." So far the impact of the Tea Party is not clear.
One thing I want to stress today, we are on the cusp of greatness, no longer having the luxury of waiting indolently for the next election cycle, as the cabal of darkness continues to rebuild their forces daily.
Lots of words and little content. Define what a patriot is: My country right or wrong?The Tea baggers seem to think we will become a great country again by giving more in tax cuts to the affluent? The Democrats believe the backbone of America is the middle class and it needs to be strengthened.
Remember, we must restore America and not stop until every political parasite is unelected and sent home in disgrace.
Who are these political parasites? People who disagree with the simplistic views of the the Tea Party?
A word of caution: Time is short, resources are few, it's now critical for the Tea Party to build the ranks, train the new recruits and fulfill the continuing dreams of those who went before us.
Now we are getting to the meat of the email: money.
But first, who will toil to make our Beloved Nation great again? Who will step up and say: 'NOT ON MY WATCH?' Who will carry the flag of restoration?
The answer, while simple, is far from easy. It is the same loyal Patriots who always have carried the flag. The Moms, Dads the Grocer, Shopkeeper, the Waiter, the CEO, the Teacher and Grandma, for we are the Core of America. It is those invisible Guardians who will never have their names emblazoned on marble walls or receive a brass plaque; they are backbone of the people, they shall restore America never asking for a thank you.
Send us $29.11 each month for the rest of your life, and we will send you a 50 cent certificate saying that you are a Tea Party Guardian.
Best of all, the invisible Guardians carry the weight of our Beloved Nation not only on their shoulders, but in their hearts as well, must step forward and say: 'Count On Me.' These Patriots are not run of the mill Citizens, but selfless warriors of greatness and valor.
Yes, the common American is anything but common, for the true American Patriot is a hero of heroes.
What's more important, we need men and women to step up and underwrite the Tea Party Guardians, helping with everyday expenses, to reinforce the work of the Restoration of America.
How do you plan to restore America? Again, the writer is short on details.One thing we agree on with the Tea party: the backbone of America is the middle class, not the affluent.
Best of all, in remembrance of 911 we have created the 29.11 Plan. Every month on a recurring basis, you underwrite this important work.
You're going to love this, for less than .99 cents per day you can stay on the Tea Party Mission. Planned giving is the only way the Tea Party can survive. Not a huge amount from the faithful few, but a small amount from the many will keep the Tea Party on mission.
Frankly, we need the financial help and are asking loyal Patriots to make the difference by becoming an invisible hero, a 'Tea Party Guardian.'
Get this, for less than the price of a pizza and a six pack you can support the Tea Party and help cover our mountain of costs.
In a nutshell, will you please dedicate less than $ .99 per day and be a Guardian of what we hold dear, our beloved United States of America. Large gifts are always welcome, but they are few and far between. It is the faithful invisible heroes who will give just a few dollars on a consistent basis who will do the most for the Restoration of America.
In short, 29.11 is a monthly, recurring, planned gift underwriting the Tea Party activities. The time is now, the hour is dark and it is up to us to step up and say: "I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore."
This is called the call for action! Send money before the TP's go bankrupt.
Subscribe to the Rightardia feed:
Netcraft rank: 6497

Apparently the Tea party is running out of funds. Rightardia suspects the billionaires that started the movement are backing away from the Tea Party because a civil war is brewing between the country club Republican insiders and the Tea Party Young Turks.
No offense is meant to the liberal organization, the Young Turks (tm). We have put some Rightardia comments in Italics to show how this is essentially a piece of propaganda.
The Tea Party Letter
A lot of words, but low in content. Cadres of invisible patriots? Is this like the Nixon 'silent majority" that the GOP knew was really a small minority?
What is the Tea party really guarding?
Rightardia believes the TP's are trying to restore the glory days of the US which are now several decades behind us. Conservatives have always looked at America through the rear view mirror.
They have a point. The 1950s were the glory days but that was due to the efforts of FDR and the Democrats who were elected after the GOP led the country and the world into the Great Depression.
You see, the acts of the Tea Party Guardians are etched upon our memories and will be passed down to future generations in the form of folk stories and tales of greatness.
This is suggested in some high school history books, but The US was actually a debtor nation until after World War 1. We were a creditor nation for about 70 years before we got debtor status again.
Their humble beginnings were slated in courageous acts just a few short years ago, when the term 'Tea Party' was new and fresh. At a time most people thought a Tea Party was either a dusty page in our history books stemming from the acts in 1773 or a garden party of old ladies wearing funny hats, sipping tea.
We agree with Bill Maher that the Founders were the nations first liberal elite and they would have little in common with the Tea Party crowd. The Founders hung out in Paris, most were wealthy and they had little use for organized religion.
Surprisingly enough, one day, as if by Divine design, good-hearted Citizens across America could no longer stomach the vile disembowelment of our Constitution by those elected to protect it.
Wow! Please provide an example where the US Constitution has been disembowelled.
Bush ignored the Constitution with his Patriot Act and his bugging of the Internet. Bush also conducted wire taps without warrants. Conservatives looked the other way when this blatantly unconstitutional activities occurred during the Bush presidency.
Give Obama some credit. he is a constitutional attorney and understands the US constitution a lot better than the political hack who wrote this email.
Listen up, as if by one voice a few said; "I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Any-more." Out of frustration and anger, rag-tag groups of Moms, Dads, Grandparents and Singles, ordinary people dared to believe they could change the status quo. It was then the first idea of an empowered Citizenry was reborn.
Mad as hell about what? Be specific. Are you mad the GOP got walloped in the 2008 elections or mad that a black man was elected president?
Yes, reborn was the memory of how our beloved nation was once a grand country filled with great people, bearing ostentatious dreams. A glimmer of hope raced across our 'Nations-soul' screaming for the rekindling of faith in our flag, allegiance to our nation and obedience to our sacred Constitution. A spark of hope began to glow like a tiny ember fighting for brilliance on a sodden and barren land.
We were a better nation before Reagannomics and the GOP started its no taxes on the affluent agenda. We were a better nation when we made TVs, refrigerators, and washers and dryers in the US, but the corporations offshored the plants and the jobs. Don't blame that on the Democrats. Our own US corporations did us in, not the government.
Reagnomics actually fractured the middle class and forced spouses into the work force to make ends meet. Mom was no longer home to work with her children on home work and the long slide of US education began.
This is also the era when the US deficit and national debt began to rise because the government was raising insufficient revenues. During the Reagan era, the US spent billions invading Grenada, and intervening in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Chile.
Only 32 US economists in the US subscribe to Reaganomics or supply side economics. Why? Because it is Trojan Horse to provide unneeded tax cuts to the affluent.
Our corporations also caused the financial crises that created the Great Recession. Of course, deregulation efforts of the GOP and some Blue Dog Democrats helped to accelerate the crash.
Truthfully, could 'We The People' once again rise up and fulfill those lofty dreams which were penned in 1776? Shall we defy the Washington Pharisees and become the generation which will once again, shape our Beloved Nation, and the world as well? Should we dare to dream? 'We The People' have the power to change, shape and perfect our precious Freedom which was entrusted to us centuries ago by our heroic Founding Fathers.
The Founders gave us a constitution that defined our government. Much has changed since then and the American dream is hardly universal for all Americans.
So instead of wishful thinking, could we once again hold our heads high, bow to no one and declare; 'WE THE PEOPLE RULE'? The faith of the few began to grow, first in living-room meetings, then across telephone lines, cell phone conference calls until bursting out at the seams, we flowed into rented halls and then to our streets.
Silently, 'We The People' began to rise up against the entrenched Washington oligarchy, unified our voices, our efforts and our will into one cohesive movement, not just of people, but of souls filled with the dream of Freedom.
Astonishing, isn't it? Many wondered who would lead us, who would have the foresight, who could we trust with our most precious asset, our sovereignty
Finally, egos aside, as if by a Divine hand, calmness came across the rising multitude and 'We The People' discovered who will be our leader, and it was "US" 'We The People'! Each, and every one of us, are the leaders of America, individually and collectively. The great, the small, the rich and the poor, 'We The People' realized in one spectacular moment, we are the leaders of our Beloved Nation, upon our shoulders rests the weight of our government. By our hand we shall purpose who we are, and how we shall live.
Whoa. Where is this going? The US is an indirect democracy. The people don't rule, the people we elect to represent us rule. Of course, in a democracy we can throw our rulers out of office.
It's simple, the forgotten spirit of our 1776 Nation was reborn, not in hollow arrogance, but in humbleness, finding the 'accolades' few and far between.
I'll tell you, it is with this spirit the 'Tea Party' was forged. In defiance of the status quo, in spite of the 'Nay Sayers,' in the face of ridicule and hatred, the American spirit was rekindled, this time never to be extinguished.
The GOP want to maintain the status quo. It is the party of "No." The Tea Party is actually reactionary or counter-revolutionary.
Let's face it, we announced to Washington, and the world, we have 'awakened' by sending tons of tea bags to Washington with a clear and concise message: "Don't Tread On Me!" and the political Pharisees scoffed and said 'it will pass.'
We matched on Washington with one million Patriots strong, and the media turned the camera lens elsewhere and said, 'it will pass.' We came again by the hundreds of thousands to Restore Honor, and the oligarchy sighed and said; 'it will pass.'
We manned our posts and voted our conscience and dozens of seats were filled with fellow Patriots, dislodging a staggering number of the politically impotent, and under their breath the Washington mob said; 'I hope it will pass.'
And the Zen master said,"We will see." So far the impact of the Tea Party is not clear.
One thing I want to stress today, we are on the cusp of greatness, no longer having the luxury of waiting indolently for the next election cycle, as the cabal of darkness continues to rebuild their forces daily.
Lots of words and little content. Define what a patriot is: My country right or wrong?The Tea baggers seem to think we will become a great country again by giving more in tax cuts to the affluent? The Democrats believe the backbone of America is the middle class and it needs to be strengthened.
Remember, we must restore America and not stop until every political parasite is unelected and sent home in disgrace.
Who are these political parasites? People who disagree with the simplistic views of the the Tea Party?
A word of caution: Time is short, resources are few, it's now critical for the Tea Party to build the ranks, train the new recruits and fulfill the continuing dreams of those who went before us.
Now we are getting to the meat of the email: money.
But first, who will toil to make our Beloved Nation great again? Who will step up and say: 'NOT ON MY WATCH?' Who will carry the flag of restoration?
The answer, while simple, is far from easy. It is the same loyal Patriots who always have carried the flag. The Moms, Dads the Grocer, Shopkeeper, the Waiter, the CEO, the Teacher and Grandma, for we are the Core of America. It is those invisible Guardians who will never have their names emblazoned on marble walls or receive a brass plaque; they are backbone of the people, they shall restore America never asking for a thank you.
Send us $29.11 each month for the rest of your life, and we will send you a 50 cent certificate saying that you are a Tea Party Guardian.
Best of all, the invisible Guardians carry the weight of our Beloved Nation not only on their shoulders, but in their hearts as well, must step forward and say: 'Count On Me.' These Patriots are not run of the mill Citizens, but selfless warriors of greatness and valor.
Yes, the common American is anything but common, for the true American Patriot is a hero of heroes.
What's more important, we need men and women to step up and underwrite the Tea Party Guardians, helping with everyday expenses, to reinforce the work of the Restoration of America.
How do you plan to restore America? Again, the writer is short on details.One thing we agree on with the Tea party: the backbone of America is the middle class, not the affluent.
Best of all, in remembrance of 911 we have created the 29.11 Plan. Every month on a recurring basis, you underwrite this important work.
You're going to love this, for less than .99 cents per day you can stay on the Tea Party Mission. Planned giving is the only way the Tea Party can survive. Not a huge amount from the faithful few, but a small amount from the many will keep the Tea Party on mission.
Frankly, we need the financial help and are asking loyal Patriots to make the difference by becoming an invisible hero, a 'Tea Party Guardian.'
Get this, for less than the price of a pizza and a six pack you can support the Tea Party and help cover our mountain of costs.
In a nutshell, will you please dedicate less than $ .99 per day and be a Guardian of what we hold dear, our beloved United States of America. Large gifts are always welcome, but they are few and far between. It is the faithful invisible heroes who will give just a few dollars on a consistent basis who will do the most for the Restoration of America.
In short, 29.11 is a monthly, recurring, planned gift underwriting the Tea Party activities. The time is now, the hour is dark and it is up to us to step up and say: "I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore."
This is called the call for action! Send money before the TP's go bankrupt.
Subscribe to the Rightardia feed:
Netcraft rank: 6497

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