
Monday, February 14, 2011

Mediaite: Ron Paul To Donald Trump: How Many Elections Have You Won?

Republican Congressman Ron Paul appeared on CNN this morning after finsihing first in the CPAC straw poll victory. He responded to Donald Trump’s claim last week at CPAC that although he likes Paul, he doesn’t think he can win the election for President.

Paul was surprised and flattered by the strong support he received at CPAC and admitted the victory encourages him to consider running for President again.

He believed his talk of freedom and his views on foreign policy are what makes him most appealing, saying

look at the failure of our foreign policy today. We’re trying to impose our goodness around the world by force – it doesn’t work.

Regarding Trump’s prediction that Paul is not a viable candidate, Paul argued that he’s won eleven times in a very conservative district and responds to Trump with his own verbal smackdown,

I don’t know whether he’s earned the right – you know – for criticizing someone for not winning an election, when I don’t know how many elections he’s won so far himself.

Although if Trump does run for President, Paul did not go as far as suggesting that he couldn’t win.

"The Donald"  also demeaned Obama suggesting that he had come out of nowhere. Uh, Like George W. Bush?

America knows when you have the right stuff, Donald! Don't confuse running a corporation with running America.

Even then the electorate sometimes gets it wrong.

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