
Friday, February 11, 2011

Hillbilly Report: Rick Scott makes it easy to get Hillbillly Heroin

by: RDemocrat
Fri Feb 11, 2011 at 10:56:37 AM EST

The Lieutenant governor of Kentucky, Daniel Mongiardo, recently blasted governor Rick Scott for ending a drug tracking system. Scott also abolished the law enforcement agency responsible or the program.

We all remember Rick Scott. Healthcare fear monger and liar who used his millions to cover for the health insurers and try and defeat healthcare for millions of Americans with lies, idiocy, and propaganda solely designed to enrich folks like him.

Well, now that the state of Florida has clearly soaked in too much sun and it has cooked their brains Rick Scott is actually governor of that state. Now, he is using his power to enrich the drug companies at the behest of other states who are fighting prescription pill problems and deaths.

Officials in Kentucky, a state hit hard by prescription drug use now are firing back at Scott.

After Kentucky has worked so hard to combat this problem, the Governor of Florida Rick Scott plans on ending the tracking system that helps keep Florida drugs out of Kentucky.

Florida's new governor wants to eliminate a prescription-tracking system that Kentucky authorities believed would help cut the flood of pills coming into the state from Florida.

Scott has already eliminated the enforcement agency that was supposed to stem the tide of these designer drugs.

Scott claims he has transferred the enforcement function to some other state agency which is probably the Florida Highway Patrol. State workers have not received raises for five years and now Scott wants them to contribute 5 per cent of their pension for their retirement. No state agency will seriously entertain the assignment of new functions.

The proposal has set off alarm bells and anger in Kentucky.

You see, for years Kentucky has been combatting the prescription drug problem that has dubbed Oxycontin "Hillbilly Heroin" and have actually had some success in doing so:
Rush Limbaugh provides a testimonial for Hillbilly Heroin

It has become commonplace the last few years for car loads of people from Kentucky, particularly the eastern end of the state, to go to other states seeking prescriptions for pain and anti-anxiety pills - such as OxyContin, Percocet and Xanax - and then sell or abuse the drugs in Kentucky.

One reason addicts and drug traffickers do so is that Kentucky has a model system to track prescriptions. Doctors can use it to make sure a person is not trying to get prescriptions from several different sources, and police can use it to investigate diversion of pills to illegal sales.

Now, in a shameless attempt to protect drug company profits just like he did the health insurers Rick Scott is throwing that all by the wayside. It seems he cannot stand state officials who actually do their jobs instead of whoring for Corporate interests. Officials in Kentucky were not impressed with Scott's proposed move:

Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo, a physician, said he doesn't think Florida Gov. Rick Scott understands the deadly impact pills flowing from unscrupulous clinics in the Sunshine State are having elsewhere.

"I'm infuriated," by Scott's move, Mongiardo said Thursday.

Mongiardo may have given Scott a little too much credit. I think he understands full well what this will do, just like he knew his lies would cause deaths without expanded health care he knows people will die because of this move, he just does not care. You see in typical Republican fashion profits for their greedy base comes before anything, even lives of people.

The sad part is that this system does not cost Florida anything. The sole reason for doing this is to insure the drug companies sell as many pills as possible:

Florida state Sen. Mike Fasano, a New Port Richey Republican who sponsored the bill creating the monitoring program, has vowed to fight the move to eliminate the computerized tracking system, said his chief legal assistant.

"He's extremely disappointed that the governor has made this proposal," Giordano said of Fasano.

Florida is facing a steep budget shortfall, but the monitoring system, set up mostly with federal money, would cost only $500,000 a year to run, said Bruce Grant, former head of Florida's Office of Drug Control.

Rightardia has little love for Republicans , but Mike Fasano is an exception. He is a moderate Republican who tries to do the right thing. Fasano was an ally of former governor Charlie Crist.

Florida has not put any money into the monitoring system, and the goal was to fund it with federal grants and donations, supporters said.

Abolishing the pill tracking system is unlikely to save any state money.

As in both Kentucky and Florida with our idiot Republican corporate shills in Florida you get what you vote for.

Rick Scott has been nothing but a scoundrel in his tenure in the public eye. He is a criminal and a liar, which seems to be a prerequisite to be governor of Florida.

Hopefully one day soon all of America will learn that these Republicans like Scott care nothing about their country, or the people within as long as the profits flood in to fuel their greed. Rick Scott has shown it before and now again, he cares nothing about who dies as long as his pockets are padded. What an American disgrace.

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