WASR-10, the favorite semiauto weapon of the Mexican drug cartel
Almost 35,000 people have been killed in gun related violence in the four years since President Felipe Calderón began deploying troops and federal police throughout Mexico to ratchet up the fight against the cartels.Mexican gun laws, among the most prohibitive in the world, continue to drive drug dealers and their agents to the United States to procure automatic weapons under our permissive laws.
But the Romanian AK variations stand out, both for the popularity it has achieved with the cartels. For years it has actually been illegal to import high-powered, semiautomatic weapons that do not have a “sporting purpose” into the United States.
The AK is a very rugged weapon as are most weapons of Russian design.
However, importers found a way around the ban. Foreign guns like the Romanian AKs are shipped to the United States and stripped of their military features so they can be purchased as sporting guns.
The Romanian AKs — sold by Florida-based Century International Arms as the WASR-10 — is the most common gun purchased in the United States since 2006 that can be linked to crimes in Mexico,
More than 500 of the WASR-10s imported into the United States by Century were recovered in Mexico after being purchased in the United States. That accounts for more than 17% of the total guns recovered. With a couple of after-market parts, these assault rifles can be fired semi-automatically again.
Sold for as little as $400 in gun shops on the U.S. side of the border, the rifle can fetch upwards of $2,000 to $3,000 in Mexico.
Obama could close the existing loopholes using executive powers — and avoid a battle over gun-control legislation with congressional Republicans. But the President, many Democrats say, seems unwilling to do this.
see the compete story at: http://www.publicintegrity.org/articles/entry/2857
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The Wasr-10 is owned by many US residents who are NOt affiliated with any drug cartels nor do we have them converted to full auto matic mode. To say that a ban against them for the actions of a few is stupid and against our constitutional rights. What perhaps Obama needs to do is tighten theborders so the guns do not get over there rather than take the weaons away from the American people which will never happen.
I think you may be reading something into the article that isn't there.
Rightardia took no position on this weapon.
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