
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rightardia sends an email to OFA, the Obama poltical organization

Rightardia was recently on an OFA Southern Regional conference call  with Steve Walker and more than 100 OFA volunteers. Walker is the National Regional Director - Southern Region, Organizing for America. We sent him this email.

Dear Steve,

I was on the recent conference call and write blog called Rightarida. I can tell you that Democratic bloggers are very upset with President Obama and that it is unlikely that he wiil garner the support of progressives in the next election if he continues to be timid and weak kneed.

The Democrats need to change the filibuster rules in the Senate if you expect to get anything done in the next two years.

The Democratic losses in Florida were disastrous. Florida Republicans now have a super-majority and Rick Scott wants to privatize the Florida education system.

We need a 'kick ass" Democrat like Alan Grayson to be the next Florida DNC chairperson.

The Florida Democrats should have challenged the 12 year incumbency of Republicans in the 2010 elections, but they let Rick Scott blame the Florida economy on Obama. How did this happen?

The Democrats could have clanged the Senate rules on the filibuster to efficiently use the mandate voters gave Obama is 2008. Instead we got a half baked reform with no public or single payer options. It would have been easier to extend Medicare to other age groups and reform it.

Obama squandered a year of his presidency on health care.

The Estate Tax should never have been on the table when Obama negotiated with Republicans.

Reagan and the two Bushes have already turned the US into a plutocracy with the top quinitle of American earners now taking in 50 per cent of the annual national income. The distribution of wealth far worse.

With a US' GINI index of .46, the US is facing social instability that my explain the misguided rise of the Tea Party.

This is not the "hope and change" that volunteers like myself had in mind when we went onto the streets in 2008 for Obama. 


Middle Class Warrior,

Here is the response Rightardia got back from the Steve Walker of OFA.
Calling the President “timid and weak knead (sic)” is complete garbage.  I chose to not read  the remainder of your email.

Steve Walker
National Regional Director - Southern Region
Organizing for America

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