The Huffington Post | Nick Wing Posted: 12-16-10 09:32 AM
In the heat of the debate over the "don't ask, don't tell" repeal bill, which was eventually passed by the House Wednesday by a 250 to 175 margin, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) delivered a floor speech railing against overturning the DADT protocol of the Armed Services. Gohlmert stated that allowing gay servicemembers to serve openly would be a threat to America's "existence."
Here are his comments, via ThinkProgress:
GOHMERT: To my friend who said that history would judge us poorly, I would submit if you would look thoroughly at history -- and I'm not saying it's cause and effect -- but when militaries throughout history of the greatest nations in the world have adopted the policy that "fine for homosexuality to be overt" -- you can keep it private and control your hormones fine, if you can't, that's fine too -- they're toward the end of their existence as a great nation.
See the video that follows of Gohmert's remarks:
Gohmert's speech would have been more effective if he could have provided concrete examples of gays and lesbians undermining a nation.
The historical examples of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and the Spartans suggest Gohmert is an ignorant homophobe.
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Netcraft rank: 6974
In the heat of the debate over the "don't ask, don't tell" repeal bill, which was eventually passed by the House Wednesday by a 250 to 175 margin, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) delivered a floor speech railing against overturning the DADT protocol of the Armed Services. Gohlmert stated that allowing gay servicemembers to serve openly would be a threat to America's "existence."
Here are his comments, via ThinkProgress:
GOHMERT: To my friend who said that history would judge us poorly, I would submit if you would look thoroughly at history -- and I'm not saying it's cause and effect -- but when militaries throughout history of the greatest nations in the world have adopted the policy that "fine for homosexuality to be overt" -- you can keep it private and control your hormones fine, if you can't, that's fine too -- they're toward the end of their existence as a great nation.
See the video that follows of Gohmert's remarks:
Gohmert's speech would have been more effective if he could have provided concrete examples of gays and lesbians undermining a nation.
The historical examples of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and the Spartans suggest Gohmert is an ignorant homophobe.
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Netcraft rank: 6974
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