
Monday, December 20, 2010

Obama strenghtened the Grand Old Plutocracy

The GOP is dependent upon the magnanimity of the US plutocracy--both corporate and private--for its survival. By keeping income taxes on the rich low--35 per cent--and capital gains--15 per cent--it weakens the federal government.  

The federal government is really the only entity in the US that can control the excesses of the affluent.

The GOP game plan is for the affluent and the corporations to control the government, essentially an American fascist state.

Reduced federal revenues means less money for the infrastructure and less money for social programs.

Obama played right into their hands by raising the Estate tax threshold to $5 million. This let 50,000 millionaires off of the hook for the Estate Tax, a tax that was created by Theodore Roosevelt in 1915.

He also weakened Social Security with a tax holiday on the FICA tax. If he wanted a tax holiday on the payroll tax, why not Medicare? Seniors are the one demographic that don't support Obama.

If the Republicans take the presidency in 2012, this nation will be in deep doo-doo after the Obama compromise. The Social Security payroll tax or the Estate Tax holidays will continue. We will be stuck with the Obama tax compromise forever.

Now, DNC and OFA Democrats will say their was no alternative, but this isn't true. The Democrats could have changed the filibuster rules in the Senate to avoid the tax compromise.

In fact, they are threatening to do just that over the START treaty.

This where is gets interesting. Why was Obama willing to compromise with the GOP over taxes, but not over START? Doe he have a higher priority on international policy over domestic policy?

If the Democrats had changed the filibuster rules with a 51 Senate majority vote, we would have a comprehensive health care plan with a public option or single payer system. The DADT repeal, EFCA and the Dream Act would have passed months ago.

The Democrats squandered the mandate we gave them in 2008, but they were too timid and week kneed to use the power they had. Now have lost some of that power with the GOP taking control of the House shortly. 

Not only did Obama and Democrats squander the mandate they had, the Obama tax compromise strengthened the American plutocracy and the Republican Party.

This is not what Rightardia had in mind when our staff went to the streets in 2008 to get Obama elected. We fought against Hillary Clinton because we not want another southern moderate in the White House.

It appears this is what we now have. Obama has been "Clintonized."

Things might have been different if Democrats had been bolder.

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