
Monday, December 20, 2010

The Gavel: Strengthening the New GI Bill

December 17th, 2010 by Karina

This afternoon, Speaker Pelosi, House Democratic Leaders and Democratic Members of the House joined with representatives from Veterans’ Service Organizations.

Joy Ilam from the Disabled American Vets, Timothy Tetz from the American Legion, Todd Powers from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and Brian Hawthorne from the Student Veterans of America were at an enrollment ceremony for the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act:
Strengthening the New GI Bill
This bill strengthens the New GI Bill for the 21st Century, which will provide a four-year college education for nearly 300,000 veterans enrolled in college this fall. The bill will make it easier for veterans to take advantage of benefits.

The bill:
Expands opportunities for training and education, covering vocational and technical schools, apprenticeships and on the job training that were not previously covered.
Gives active duty students a book stipend of $1,000 per year, like veterans under the program.
Provides living allowances for distance learners, like injured veterans forced to take online classes.
Simplifies the Yellow Ribbon Program for veterans attending private colleges and universities and taking graduate courses, eliminating the confusing state cap system, and setting a $17,500 per year cap for tuition and fees.
Grants full credit to National Guardsmen, including those called up to respond to national disasters like Hurricane Katrina or the BP oil spill, making more than 130,000 eligible for this education benefit
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