
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Who is the real Julian Assange?

 The conservative view of Julian Assange

Rachel Maddow said the following about Julain Assange when she interviewed Michael Moor.

The timing could not be more suspicious. The man accused says he’s being pursued for political reasons. But even if you’re suspicious about the timing, there are two women who went to the police with what are essentially date-rape charges against this guy.
This doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker.
Can your suspicion about the forces arrayed against Julian Assange and Wikileaks — your suspicion about the timing and pursuit of these charges — coexist with respect for the women making these accusations against him and with a commitment to take rape allegations seriously, even when the person accused is someone that for other reasons you like?
Moore retorted:
Every woman who claims to have been sexually assaulted or raped has to be, must be, taken seriously. Those charges have to be investigated to the fullest extent possible. 
For too long, and too many women have been abused in our society, because they were not listened to, and they just got shoved aside. . . .So I think these two alleged victims have to be treated seriously and Mr. Assange has to answer the questions.

Rigtardia agrees. We have read accounts of the alleged Assange assaults and they are credible. We have also heard stories that Assange has bullied his Wikileaks associates and  tried to pick a fight with a journalist when he hustled the journalist's girl friend.

We were surprised the UK did not extradite Assange to Sweden.

Assange is doing important work, but anyone can be replaced.


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