Bush also chastised Reid for not voicing a mere disagreement with his Iraq war policy, Bush took the comments as a challenge to his leadership.
Bush’s feelings about Reid are significant because Reid is one of the only people that the president actually singles out for criticism in his new book.
Back in April of 2007, when the Iraq war wasn’t "going well" and Reid said
"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and—you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows—(know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday."
Reid has initially supported the war,but eventually turned against it and tried to pull the funds for the war. We now know Reid was right and Bush was wrong. Even before the war started, a National Intelligence Estimate downplayed the Iraqi threat and indicated the country had no nuclear program.
A US team searched for Weapons of mass Destruction for two years and couldn't find any in Iraq.
Bush is directly responsible for the death of between four and five thousand service people. More than 30,000 service men and women were also wounded in the war.
Iraqi casualties are somewhere between 300,000 and 1.5 million. It will take Iraq decades to recover to the damage to it infrastructure.
It is unfortunate that Hary Reid hurt Bush's felling, but in the big picture Bush made critical mistakes in the Iraq War. Since Bush is an Evangelical, Rightardia wonders if he will ever be prepared to meet his Maker. We are quite certain we know where his soul will end up.
The Fox News version of this story is very different: a lot of spin and bull shit.
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