
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rightardia Netcraft ratings improve by nearly 2900

 Patriot Games the forger

Rightardia didn't get any Netcraft ratings last week so we watched our Alexa ratings  improve by 500 per cent in the past month. We finally got our Netcraft ratings and our ratings improved by nearly 2900 from 14896 to 11952.

This is the biggest improvement in ratings we have ever experienced. 

We attribute the increase of the efforts of a right wing forger and hacker to disrupt Rightaridia's posts on Usenet. Rightardia was attacked continuously for the last month and we reported the hacker and forger to three Usenet service providers, two ISPs, an email portal and even some government organizations.

We eventually tracked the hacker to  THEPLANET.COM INTERNET SERVICES in Houston, TX and reported him again. The hacker also tried to impersonate Rightardia with a Yahoo email address. We also reported him to Eventually, the hacker stopped his attacks.
During the mellee, we found numerous forged Usenet emails that were designed to defame Rightardia. The headers had been forged to obscure the originator of the hacked message. Then the hacker tried to direct email to Rightardia from some unseemly organizations. Fortunately, one of theses organizations logged the hacker's IP address.


The hacker ordeal is now over.Perhaps the improved ratings were worth it. 
Our IT guy, Wirehead, had been shadowing the hacker for weeks. We were happy when he busted him.

Subscribe to the Rightardia feed: Netcraft
rank: 11952

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