
Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Congressman with cojones

In 2008 Alan Grayson (D-FL Orlando) beat Republican incumbent Ric Keller 52-48% in a Republican-leaning district.

But instead of playing a defensive Republican-lite game, like so many red-district Democrats do, Grayson has become one of the most outspoken and effective champions of working families in Congress.

Ric Keller sat on the Education committee when he was in congress and allowed private lenders to refinance student loans. This was a real scam that did not serve the best interests of the students who had these loans.

Wirehead,  our IT writer, worked for a student loan company at the time and several of the senior managers in the company were making $5,000 a month in commissions  off of the backs of college students and graduates.

When Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House, this was one of the first Republican programs that was disbanded and unfunded. Student loans can no longer be consolidated and refinanced.

He may be public enemy #1 to reactionaries but he's been one of the rays of light for ordinary Americans looking for a plain-speaking and courageous member of Congress willing to stand up for us all.

Grayson has no fear, which drives the Republicans crazy. He was voted onto this page by a poll of all past Blue America donors.

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