
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Capital Soup: James Carville endorses Kendrick Meek for the US Senate

Kendrick Meek For U.S. Senate: Top-notch August 4, 2010 Politics
This is where the rubber meets the road.

Florida needs a true Democrat in the Senate — and it’s up to us to make that happen. I know how much you’ve already done to help Kendrick Meek put together a Senate race fueled by the grassroots. But today, Kendrick’s campaign is facing their biggest test yet — the last filing deadline before the August 24 primary, just three weeks away.

With a self-funding billionaire pumping his own funds into this race — and saying he’ll do whatever it takes to win — Kendrick’s counting on grassroots supporters like us to rally together and build the resources he needs. We have less than 15 hours to show the pundits, the GOP, and Florida voters that Kendrick has what it takes to win.

Here’s what we all know: We need Kendrick in the Senate if we’re going to pull ourselves out of the giant hole the Bush administration left in its wake. He’s a true public servant with a big heart, a proven record, and a plan to get our country back on track. He was against drilling before and after the spill that devastated our coasts. He’s fought to keep Florida class sizes small so that teachers can teach and students can learn. And, if you can believe this, he’s the only person in this race who has never run for office as a Republican.

But here’s what we can’t forget: This campaign is truly in our hands. Kendrick has put together a top-notch team that’s working around the clock to get the job done. And that’s all been possible because of you.

We have to keep that energy up through the finish line to win this race — and it all starts with tonight’s filing deadline.

Click here to contribute to Kendrick’s Senate campaign before midnight tonight and make sure we elect the one true Democrat in this race!

When there’s this much on the line, somebody has to step up and take action. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do now for Kendrick.



James Carville

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