
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rightard Whitey is back

Rightard Whitey before he completed EEO training

Yes, I am taking over from Secular Human. May marching orders are to
attack the racists, fascists and Nazis on the web and in alt.politics and related

I have extensive race and human relations training and know exactly
what to do when I encounter someone with irrational fears and beliefs
about people that look different than them.

I also beleive that all people are racist to a certain degree. Most minorities understand what I am talking about, but a lot of people who deny their own racism have the biggest problems with this malady.

After Obama was elected, some of us thought a post-racial society in
America was possible. Perhaps that will happen some day, but not in
this century.

Rightard Whitey is back and ill be watching for the racist, fascists
and Nazis. I love to spear racists and fascists with biting satire.

See 'ya soon.

--Rightrd W.

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