
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Right-Wing Media Critic Offers Cash For Assault On Alan Grayson

Laura Bassett | HuffPost Reporting
First Posted: 07-20-10 05:12 PM | Updated: 07-20-10 05:47 PM
Prominent conservative media critic Dan Gainor has offered $100 to the first member of Congress who punches "smary [sic] idiot" Alan Grayson (D-Fl.) in the nose, reports Media Matters.

When fellow conservative Jim Geraghty responded (via Twitter) that Gainor should offer that $100 to Grayon's opponent instead of "financ[ing] violence," Gainor tweeted that he was joking, although he would "love to see the video."

The outburst was prompted by comments that Grayson made on the House floor last night regarding unemployment: namely, that Republican lawmakers are "taking food out of the mouths of children" and "trying to revive the America of desperate straits and cheap labor" by blocking the passage of legislation that would extend unemployment benefits.

See the Grayson speech at : 
Grayson unemployment speech

Gainor tweeted that Grayson is "a caricature of a Congressman," in addition to offering cash for a physical assault on him.

Gainor is the vice president of the Media Research Center, a $6 million-a-year organization that has been praised by Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Newt Gingrich, and he is often cited, interviewed and otherwise taken very seriously by Washington Post ombudsman Andrew Alexander.

But Grayson is not one to back down from a media brawl. He told HuffPost: "I think he's overlooking something important: I punch back."

Rightardia has notice the right wing has become increasingly shrill. The GOP philosophy seems to be that the party that screams the loudest wins. Rightardia has received some extremely rude posts on out site and also experienced several spoofing attacks when we post links and summaries of our articles on Usenet.

This suggests that the GOP is a sinking ship that has becoming increasingly desperate to win in 2010.

source: Race tracker wiki: NV-Sen

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