
Thursday, July 29, 2010

European socialism nightmare?

The primary reason the Europeans are different than the US is that they experienced the horrors of two world wars directly. In the first war, most of the European monarchies were eliminated. In the second World War, fascism was soundly routed. In the US the corporatists and fascists were left alive and well.

According to Yahoo Answers, the Europeans have some form of socialized medicine and/or universal health care coverage for all of its citizens, thus the higher life expectancy and lower rates of chronic illness.

Their governments are not nearly as corrupt as the US in Western Europe and their justice system is relatively more lenient (no death penalty and drug violations are treated as civil offenses rather than felonious crimes here in the US.

Europeans are happier than Americans (Denmark is number one on the happiness scale) and have more leisure time because of longer vacations, more holidays and shorter work weeks.

The economy of the European Union generates a GDP of over 11,805.66 billion ($16,447.26 billion in 2009) according to the IMF, making it the largest economy in the world.

The Fox News video is typical conservative disinformation that the grass is leaner on the other side. 

Western Europeans have more widely available and reliable mass transit systems and do not have to rely on driving nearly as much as Americans do.

Most European countries are well regulated with beautiful wide streets and living areas.  Germany is one of the most automated nations in the world. Europe lacks the urban sprawl and chock 'o block city planing of the US.

Anyone who thinks that Americans are better off than the Europeans, who live in the EU, is clueless and misinformed. 

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