
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gallup: Americans Look to Wealthy to Help Save Social Security

by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Of six possible ways to address concerns with the Social Security system in a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, a majority of Americans favor two, both of which would affect only wealthy Americans.

Less than a majority favor proposals that would involve increasing taxes, reducing benefits, or increasing the eligibility age for larger segments of the general public. The results of the survey were nearly identidcal to the same survey Gallup conducted in 2005.
The real problem with Social Security (SS) is the $108,500 cap that has become a political football. This makes SS the most regressive of federal taxes that mainly affects middle class tax payers since the inception of the program.

The tax could be reduced from 6.2 per cent of an employees and employers income if 100 per cent of income were taxed as Medicare is. This would also stop the politics between the GOP and the Democrats on raising the cap to keep the Social Security trust fund solvent.

This means that 100 per cent of the income of billionaires and millionaires would fund the Social Security trust fund. Today the affluent get off of the Social Security tax hook after their first $100,000 of their income. 

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