
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Crazy Michelle Forms House Tea Party Caucus

July 18, 2010 (2:05)

The House Administration Committee has approved Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann’s request to form a House Tea Party Caucus.

This is bad timing for Rep. Bachmann with all of the charges of racism against the Tea Party.

Everett Wilkinson, coordinator of the South Florida chapter of the influential Tea Party Patriots umbrella group is not excited about some Tea party Groups that contain salaried employees who are primarily concerned with fund raising.

His group’s local coordinators voted not to associate with either the Tea Party Express or the federation because, as Wikinson puts it, those groups “aren’t holding meetings in local restaurants across the country to plan local rallies.

They’re the people who are drawing salaries and are sending out e-mails asking for money.” 

But Minority Leader John Boehner won’t have his name on the caucus list.

And Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor and his chief deputy, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California — known as “Young Guns” for the GOP — are undecided.

The GOP is a back room type of organization that is run like a corporation. It has never been a strong proponent of a grass roots organizations like the Tea Party because that would diluete the excutuve power of the Republican political insiders.

We think the GOP brought out its rebrand, the Tea Party, too early and the Tea Bag movement  is fading.

The Democrats had a similar problem with Organizing for America (OFA) with the prolonged one year effort to pass health care. That was too long of a period for many party activists.

Sources:WCCO The Washington Post MSNBC Fox News Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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