
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rahm Emanuel: The difference between Republicans and Democrats

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's chief of staff is warning about what might happen if Republicans, who defended BP over the Gulf oil spill, were to run Congress after the fall election. Rahm Emanuel says the GOP philosophy is to paint BP as the victim, pointing to Rep. Joe Barton's apology to BP for what the congressman called a White House "shakedown." Emmanuel said:

That's not a political gaffe, those are prepared remarks. That is a philosophy. That is an approach to what they see. They see the aggrieved party here as BP, not the fishermen.

Barton and Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul, who recently called Obama's criticism of BP "un-American," are a reflection of the Republican party's governing philosophy, Emanuel said. "They think that the government's the problem."

It would be "dangerous" if the GOP held power in Washington, Emanuel said. "I think what Joe Barton did was remind the American people, in case they forgot, how the Republicans would govern."

Emanuel says Obama will make clear to voters the fundamental differences in how each party would govern, focusing on energy policy, Wall Street reform and economic recovery.

Rightardia comment: Republicans are fundamentally corporate fascists who believe that private enterprise should  be directing the government.

When Republicans take the White House, that is how they run things. They look the other way at corporate misconduct and labor violations.

Obama was smart to get BP to commit to a $ 20 billion escrow. Once too much heat is put upon BP, it will close its doors and declare bankruptcy. The Federal Government didn't drill the well that is polluting the Gulf of Mexico, BP did.

It was the lack of Federal oversight on the part of the Bush Administration that led to the financial collapse of the banking industry in 2008. America can no longer tolerate the "What, Me Worry" philosophy of Republicans.

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source: Huffington Post

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