
Monday, June 21, 2010

A message from George W.Bush

It's time to stop blaming me for the Wall Street meltdown and the unemployment that was created when I was president. Obama has had one year to fix the mess I made in eight.

The "buck stopped with me in 2008" when the American public threw the Republicans out of office.

Democrats have driven the deficit to new highs. See what Fox News says about the deficit:

WALLACE: It's been a remarkable week in the U.S. Senate, where some Democrats have joined Republicans to block a new spending bill that would extend unemployment benefits for people who are about to lose them and also provide state aid that would allow workers not to be laid off. Are some Democrats getting religion when it comes to the deficit?
McCONNELL: It sure seems so. I mean, we've passed the $13 trillion cumulative national debt threshold a few weeks ago, and the issue here with regard to this bill to which you referred is paying for it. Now we did manage to take out a piece of that bill last Friday and pay for it.
That was a doctor reimbursement issue, we paid for it for six months. What Republicans have been arguing is that much of this is worthwhile and should be done, but it ought not to add to the deficit. And now, as you indicate, a growing number of Democrats are showing that kind of concern, and that's why this big Democratic majority in the Senate has not been able to pass this bill.
The numerous Republicans who called for "Drill Baby Drill" have also been lecturing us on the Gulf Oil Spill. These are my old cronies who ran up the deficit to provide tax breaks to America's 'have mores' which , of course, was my base while I was president.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has concluded that almost all of entire deficit over the next ten years can be attributed to my policies and the near depression those policies caused:
CBPP:"[T]he tax cuts enacted under President George W. Bush, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the economic downturn together explain virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years."  
In a December 16, 2009, analysis  of federal deficits -- which was revised on February 17 -- the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) stated: "Some critics charge that the new policies pursued by President Obama and the 111th Congress caused the huge federal budget deficits that the nation now faces.
In fact, the tax cuts enacted under me , the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the economic downturn together explain virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years."
It is not my fault that Obama appointed someone to regulate the oil companies that allows them to pinch pennies and we get the Gulf Oil Spill. The Democrats knew I had filled the Mineral Management Service (MMS)  with GOP stooges and ideologues. Why  didn't they clean up the MMS?

Their policies of spend and spend on the unemployed and people losing their homes is not the conservative way. We prefer trickle down in which we help the affluent and corporations. History has shown that every time Republicans control our government our policies of greed create a huge mess that Democrats are forced to come in and clean up. What is wrong with that?

So before blaming Republicans, me or anyone else for the huge deficits now facing our country, remember that you voted us in, sucker!

Blame Bush? No way. Blame yourself. Perhaps if you had paid attention in high school history and civics classes, you wouldn't be so stupid!

Sometimes the truth is a painful pill to swallow.  If you think Republicans have solutions to clean up America's problems without cutting off funding to the poor, unemployed, disabled and anyone else not making a bundle off their disgraced ideology, think again!

The GOP makes messes, we never clean them up.  Cleaning up messes up is something the 'little people do." As Tony Hayward noted who finally got his life back when he attended a recent yacht race.

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