
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Obama dares the GOP to try and repeal health care

President Barack Obama dared Republicans on to try to repeal his newly signed healthcare reform.  He warned that their effort would backfire as he touted the measure's benefits.

"If they want to have that fight, I welcome that fight," siad Obama.

"I don't believe the American people are going to put the insurance industry back in the driver's seat. We've been there already and we're not going back," he said.

Taking his public relations blitz on the road as he seeks to overcome public doubts, Obama visited the University of Iowa Field House in Iowa City.

"Well, I say go for it," Obama said, goading his critics. "If these congressmen in Washington want to come here to Iowa and tell small business owners that they plan to take away their tax credits and essentially raise their taxes, be my guest."

Rightardia agrees with the presidents view and appreciates his tenacity. We do not believe the public wants to hear any more about health care after the prolonged year long struggle. If the GOP wants to focus on their Waterloo, they will do so at their own peril.

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Anonymous said...

Get off the Internet! Turn in your computer, immediately!

Thank you !

Unknown said...

Are you having difficulties with reality today?