
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How to deal with narcissistic family members

Rightardia has discussed narcissism in past articles. It is a big problem in many corporations with many senior managers exhibiting narcissistic behavior.

Narcissists crave power and control and thus rise in corporations by undermining other employees. An excellent site on narcissism personality disorder in a corporate environment is at

Narcissists are also attracted to politics and many associates and campaign staff have described Sarah Palin as a narcissist. See

What do you do if you have an immediate family member with a narcissistic personality disorder? There is some overlap between a sociopath and a narcissist. First, most narcissists have enablers. The enabler needs help and therapy so they will stop some of the behaviors that feed a narcissist.

Conflict can be avoided with narcissists by ignoring them and also by corresponding with letters or email. This is more effective than direct conflict.

Secular Human had to tell a narcissistic relative that he will be asked to leave his home if he starts further verbal assaults. If a threat like that doesn't phase the narcissist, consider a temporary restraining order. Because narcissists understand power and control, they may  back off with the aggressive 'I'm always right' approach.

Another associate made the mistake of allowing a narcissist  to move into his house when a relative was having some hard times. It took him more than four years to get him out.

During that period the associate lost the use of his garage to his relatives storage. The narcissist put his personal articles in every room in my house except the master bedroom. The narcissist was like a tiger trying to mark his territory and even told the associate that his house belonged to  the enabler, who was the associate's wife. The enabler is the person who has a co-dependency relationship with the narcissist.

The associate had to disconnect the relative's computer to stop him from visiting his home four to five times a week. The relative had been gone for more than two months but still did not have Internet or cable in his new home.

The associate also had to rekey the home's doors next so the narcissist  could no longer enter his home without knocking or ringing the doorbell. Until the relative's PC was removed , he would walk into the house unannounced. The associate also had to contact the post office to get the relative's address changed.

Secular Human has taken on the role of his narcissist's antagonist. He simply don't put up with much from the narcissistic relative, but has found an indirect approach works the best with a narcissist. 

Part of the problem in dealing with narcissists is the co-dependent enabler. The enabler is very supportive of a narcissist, particularly if this is a mother-child relationship. The antagonist may find himself or herself in a losing situation with the narcissist and the enabler ganging up on him or her.

Secular Human's children still live at home and they got to see their narcissist relative in action for the last four years. The children now understand the dynamics of living with a narcissist.

Narcissists have been described as psychic vampires who suck the life out of you. Keep them away from your family as much as possible, and avoid contact with them unless it is written or email. In general the narcissist won't show his or her colors in large social gatherings. In a small group or at home, their attitude can be a lot more aggressive.

Let them know who is boss and don't be afraid to throw them out of you house when they start acting up. Threaten to use a restraining order if their draining behavior continues. And try to work things out with the co-dependent enabler is your spouse. They are a big part of the problem. Avoid direct criticism of the narcissist child whenever possible.  

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