
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gawker: Portrait of a conservative bugger

Joe Basel

Joe Basel, was one of the guys arrested after sneaking into Mary Landrieu's office to tamper with her phones.

Basel is the one who bragged on Facebook about having a date with one of Scott Brown's available daughters.

He honed his Conservative Stuntcraft as a student at the University of Minnesota-Morris, which is a small, public liberal arts school. While in school he complained relentlessly about how liberal everyone was.

Why didn't he go to  couldn't get into Bob Jones? We mentioned, earlier, the time he set off a racial incident by putting up posters calling for White Males to be Killed (he was making an ironic statement about racism, which is to say that he doesn't understand that his poster was racist.

Anyway, Joe was apparently the beneficiary of what amounts to affirmative action: the liberal student paper hired him to contribute, not because of his talent or skill at journalism, but because they needed a token conservative.

In an otherwise unremarkable piece, Basel printed a quote from an anonymous source supposedly paraphrasing something insulting the state Majority Leader. 

According to one Morris lobbyist, "Senator Dean Johnson, Majority Leader of the Senate, was extremely rude and verbally stated that none of the legislators were going to listen to the college kids in the capital. He also shared his belief that all college students are about drinking and partying. All this animosity was inserted between snide comments about the Governor and his cronies."

How original! Maybe this guy does have a future in journalism! Senator Johnson asked for the article to be be retracted. Basel's liberal editors and publisher stood behind him, though, and never apologized for anything!

The next year, Basel started a competing conservative newspaper.

We have wondered why conservatives produce such shoddy, crappy "journalism" for their dedicated Conservative Journalism projects.

The answer is actually pretty simple: the ones who want to go into conservative advocacy journalism are political hacks with a proud contempt for "facts." Much of conservative journalism is also colored with large doses of opinion.


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