
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bill Mayer: Tea Baggers prefer white tea

Rightardia is glad to see something we can use that is written by Bill Mayer. Once Mayer went on HBO, he did not release any of his videos with embeds so bloggers could post them.

Rightardia stated to use his blog for cross posting, but he stopped updating it. He has updated it only once since Nov. 15, 2009. See

Mayer went after the Tea Baggers who appear to be pining for the 1950s, a great time to be male and white. Of course, during the 1950s we had a more equitable tax system in the US and the middle class was robust.

However, it wasn't until the turbulent 1960s and President Lyndon Johnson that there was some racial justice in the US. The Democrats paid a huge price for racial justice. The Dixiecrats left the Democratic party in droves and became Republicans.

The Dixicrat racism became the basis for Reagan Republican revival. As far as we can tell, there is little to distinguish a Tea bagger from a Limbaugh ditto-head.

From the perspective of the white Tea Baggers, it was bad enough that the Democrats swept the 2008 elections. It was simply horrible that the Democrats were led by a black man.

We have read the racist Tea bagger jokes, noticed the racist Oboker bobblehead and have to wonder why a political movement would question a president's religion, citizenship and birth certificate. All are irrational and inflammatory personal attacks.

We don't think the Tea party movement will succeed. The Tea Partiers have suggested the Massachusetts Republican victory in the Senate was their victory, but the there was also a Tea Party candidate in Massachusetts Senate race. He only garnered two per cent of the vote.

The Tea party speeches we heard were listless and Sarah Palin's speech went flat and received a lot of criticism, even from the GOP. Palin suggested Obama could be re-elected by attacking Iran and supporting Israel which is a Republican pipe dream.

Rightardia suspects that the Tea party movement will fade.

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