
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Have you ever noticed how the Red States always have thier hand in federal pockets?

Louisiana is a perfect example of a Red State that has been receiving  a lot of the federal largesse. Mary Landrieu supported the Affordable Health Care Act of 2009 for a $350 million dollars in funds for her state. Florida is brrowing billions from the federal government because it forgot to raise taxes for unemployment compensation and stayed with the federal minimum during times of plenty.

Most of the military bases in the US are located in the South which pours billions into the local economies. Remember those people that Rush Limbaugh talks about who don't pay taxes. Most of them live in the Red states, too because the economies are weaker than in the Blue States and wages are lower. Most of the donor states that pay in more of federal taxes than they receive are the Blue States.

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