
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Politics Daily: Obama Approval Rating Drops Below 50 Percent in Latest Gallup Poll

A day after conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh accused Gallup of oversampling blacks in order to keep President Obama's job approval rating about 50 percent, the pollster's latest tracking data for Nov. 17-19 shows that Obama had fallen below that benchmark.

Gallup's latest numbers have 49 percent approving of Obama's performance and 44 percent disapproving. Zogby has been showing Obama with a 49 per cent approval rating for a couple of weeks.

Gallup joins three other polls this week that also put Obama below 50 percent for the first time: a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll conducted Nov. 17-18 put the percentage of voters who approve or disapprove of Obama at 46 percent each, with 8 percent undecided; Quinnipiac University put Obama's approval margin at 48 percent to 42 percent, and Public Policy Polling had him at 49 percent to 46 percent.

Gallup says that "although the current decline below 50% has symbolic significance, most of the recent decline in support for Obama occurred in July and August. He began July at 60% approval.
The ongoing, contentious debate over national health care reform has likely served as a drag on his public support, as have continuing economic problems. Americans are also concerned about the Obama administration's reliance on government spending to solve the nation's problems and the growing federal budget deficit."

Rightardia follows the president's ratings on a daily basis and has noticed his ratings fall when he is travelling abroad. We would expect his approval rating to be back up next week. However, over the mid- term his ratings have been declining.

The president needs to get a health care bill passed and to start working hard on employment. The House is already working on an employment bill.
The Democrats have one year to get America moving again or face the music in the 2010 election cycle. We don't believe the GOP has any solutions that will fix America. Republicans have their catch all tax cuts, but that didn't work during the two term Bush presidency. The last thing the US needs is Washington grid lock in 2010.

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